Historical archive

Opening of Photo Exhibition on China, the 50th anniversary for founding of the People's Republic of China

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 1st Government

Publisher: Kulturdepartementet

Speech by State Secretary Per Kristian Skulberg

Opening of Photo Exhibition on China, the 50th anniversary for founding of the People’s Republic of China

Ministry of Cultural Affairs, 1 October 1999

Ladies and Gentlemen

We are gathered here today for the opening of a photo exhibition reflecting the history of the People’s Republic of China, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Republic. Norway, together with the other Scandinavian countries, was one of the first countries to recognise the new republic. During all these years that have passed there have always been close and friendly connections between our two countries.

China and Norway are widely separated. Nevertheless, our countries have a common understanding of the importance of culture, and the need for the cultural dimension to be present in the daily life of a society. Knowledge of the past is a prerequisite for the understanding of the time we live in, and for the building of a future where we can all feel at ease.

Communication between people can be done in many ways. One way is through photos, because the photography is more than a picture. It is a language, an international means of communication. Photos make us understand each other despite differences in national languages. Therefore I appreciate very much that we on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of The People’s Republic of China can house this photo presentation which shows us the development of the People’s Republic from the proclamation in 1949 up until today. And I thank you Mr ambassador for having initiated the exhibition. An exhibition like this is an excellent way of creating understanding and open channels between our two peoples.

Photos can be of different kinds, they can also move, like in film. Therefore, I am pleased to know that Chinese films will be shown in Oslo these coming days. I am sure many people will take this opportunity to acquaint themselves with this sector of contemporary Chinese culture.

Photos tell more than thousand words and do it in a way we can all understand. Photos can give a presentation of a country, the people who live there, of its struggles and achievements. Photos can open for the history of the country and present its culture and traditions. Photos can communicate ideas necessary for the understanding of a society. In addition, photos are art, and as such an experience in themselves.

It is therefore a pleasure for me on this occasion to declare this photo exhibition open.

This page was last updated 5 october 1999 by linkdoc099005-990096#docthe editors