Historical archive

Tribunal on Cultural Policy 1999

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 1st Government

Publisher: Kulturdepartementet

Tribunal on Cultural Policy 1999

Nordic Cultural Policy in European and Global Perspectives

International Research Conference on Cultural Policy

April 20th - 23rd 1999

University of Copenhagen, Studiestræde 8, Auditorium A

The purpose of “Tribunal on Cultural Policy 1999” is to shed light upon the overall aims, means and experiences within Danish, Nordic and European cultural policies in a global perspective.

What are the experiences in the Nordic and other European in relation to countries such as USA and Japan? What are the most notably trends and challenges? Is the arm’s length principle still a relevant principle of organisation, which can ensure cultural and artistic freedom within the democratic rule of law?

The issues will be documented and discussed by researchers in cultural policy from all over the world.

Tribunal on Cultural Policy 1999 is organised by the Nordic research project "Nordic Cultural Policy under Transformation” and the Department of Literature, University of Copenhagen and is financed by the State Departments of Cultural Affairs in the Nordic countries and the Nordic Culture Fund.

The conference language is English.

In relation to the conference a conference reader has been made. It serves as basis material for the general discussions.

You can buy the conference reader at Kompendiekontoret, University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 80, DK-2300 Copenhagen S.

Or you can order the conference reader on:

E-mail: nordpol@post.tele.dk

Or use the enrolment order form below.

Enrolment to the Conference

Fill out the form below - electronic post and fax is preferred

E-mail: nordpol@post.tele.dk or fax: +45 33219720

Or post it to: Nordic Cultural Institute, Amalievej 15, st., DK-1875 Frederiksberg C.

Conference fee

Payment: 30,00 DKr. per day.

Is to be paid at the entrance, Studiestræde 8, auditorium A


Tuesday April 20th
16.30 - 16.50:

Arrival to the Conference

16.50 - 17.00:

Opening of the Conference: Peter Madsen, Professor, Department Comparative of Literature, University of Copenhagen

17.00 - 17.15:

Introduction by the Chairman of the Day: Christian Hjorth-Andersen, Professor, Institute of Economy, University of Copenhagen

17.15 - 18.00:

Danish Cultural Policy between Philosophy of Enlightenment and Literary Deconstructivism. A Theoretical and Methodological Approach. Research Leader and Cultural Sociologist Peter Duelund, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Copenhagen

18.00 - 18.45:

Research on Cultural Policy from the Perspective of Niklas Luhmann and Pierre Bourdieu. PhD Thorvald Sirnes, University of Bergen Research fellow, Nordic Cultural Policy under Transformation

18.45 - 19.15:

Plenary discussions

19.15 - 20.00:


20.00 - 20.45:

The Historical Construction of Cultural Policy in the Nordic countries as a Region in Europe. Uffe Østergård, Jean Monnet Professot, Centre for Cultural Studies, University of Århus

20.45 - 22.00:

Plenary discussions

22.00 - 22.15:

Closing of the Conference by Chairman of the day

Wednesday April 21st
13.30 - 15.30:

Workshop: French Cultural Policy: David Looseley.

Chairman: Research Leader and Cultural Sociologist Peter Duelund.

16.30 - 16.50:

Arrival to the Conference

16.50 - 17.00:

Introduction by the Chairman of the Day: Senior researcher Merja Heikkinen, Arts Council of Finland. Research fellow, Nordic Cultural Policy under Transformation.

17.00 - 17.45:

Structures, general trends and qualitative aspects of cultural policy in Europe. Experiences from the study “Cultural Policy in Europe” – European Cultural Policy? – Nation-State and Transnational Concepts” by Veronika Ratzenböck, Österreichische Kulturdokumentation, Internationales Archiv für Kulturanalysen, Wien

17.45 - 18.30:

Cultural Policy as Welfare Policy. Marit Bakke, Professor, Department of Media Studies, University of Bergen, Norway

18.30 - 19.15:

Plenary discussions

19.15 - 20.00:


20.00 - 20.45:

Cultural Policy and Debate in Contemporary France. Associate Professor David Looseley, University of Leeds, England

20.45 - 21.30:

Public Culture and Political Culture: A Comparative Analysis of Cultural Patronage in France, Norway, Canada and the United States. Professor Kevin Mulcahy, Louisiana State University, USA

21.30 - 22.30:

Plenary discussions

22.30 - 23.00:

Closing of the Conference by the Chairman of the Day

Thursday April 22nd
12.30 - 15.30:

Workshop: American Cultural Policy: Kevin V. Mulcahy

Chairman: Research Leader and Cultural Sociologist Peter Duelund

16.30 - 16.50:

Arrival to the Conference

16.50 - 17.00:

Introduction by the Chairman of the Day: Associate Professor Tor Larsson, research fellow Nordic Cultural Policy under Transformation, The Institute for Social research, University of Uppsala, Sweden

17.00 - 17.45:

Positive and Negative Aspects of Freedom(s) and Censorship(s) in Central Europe – Slovakia as an Example. Associate Professor Brano Hochel, University of Bratislava, Slovakia

17.45 - 18.30:

New Labour, Cultural Policy Proper and as Display. Professor Jim McGuigan, Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University, Leicestershire

18.30 - 19.15:

Plenary discussions

19.15 - 20.00:


20.00 - 20.45:

The Origin, Historic Organisation, Development and Experiences of Public Support for the Arts in United States by Professor Kevin Mulcahy, Louisiana State University, USA

20.45 - 21.30:

Cultural Policy in Asia. Government and Supporting the Arts in Contemporary Japan by Nobuko Kawashima, University of Warwick, UK

21.30 - 22.30:

Plenary discussions

22.30 - 23.00:

Closing of the Conference by the Chairman of the Day

Friday April 23rdTribunal on Cultural Policy
14.00 - 14.10:

Introduction by Chairman of the day: Research Leader and Cultural Sociologist Peter Duelund

14.10 - 14.40:

The General Cultural Political Trend in a Global Perspective. Experiences, Improvements and Challenges by Professor Anthony Everitt. Visiting Professor in the Visual and Performing Arts at Nottingham Trent University

14.40 - 17.00:

Closing panel debate: Can the arm’s length principle ensure artistic freedom within a democratic society?

If needed, translation from Danish into English can be provided this day


Nordic Cultural Institute. +45 33213653. nordkult@post11.tele.dk

Order form enrolment, workshops and ordering conference reader.

Due to administration please return this order form at the latest April 13th

Yes, I would like to attend the conference at the following days:







I would also like to attend the Workshops:

Wednesday April 21st 13.30 - 15.30 French Cultural Policy: David Looseley
Chairman: Research Leader Peter Duelund

Thursday April 22nd 12.30 - 15.30 American Cultural Policy: Kevin V. Mulcahy
Chairman: Research Leader Peter Duelund

Please, send me conference reader, price: 100 DKr.

(Order form Word 6.0 - 7.0)

This page was last updated 30 March 1999 by the editors