Historical archive

Speech at ground-breaking ceremony for the Dar el Kalima Academy

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 1st Government

Publisher: Kirke-, utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet

Minister of Education, Research and Church Affairs Jon Lilletun

Speech at ground-breaking ceremony for the Dar el Kalima Academy

Bethlehem, Palestinian Area, 28th November 1999

Dear Bishop Younan, Reverend Raheb, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,

The monuments in the Holy Land make a strong impression on those who visit this region. I have also had the pleasure of visiting some of the well-known sites. But my meetings with the people of this region, both young and old, Palestinians as well as Israelis, have impressed me more than works of marble and stone. And what has impressed me most, are the efforts made by both sides to build a future based on peace and reconciliation.

Like many other Norwegians, I take a strong interest in the Middle East peace process. Right from the beginning Norway has supported this process. This has been both a privilege and an obligation, since our capital was the cradle of the Oslo Accord. Let me assure you that we will continue to support the peace process in every way.

But peace cannot be made between politicians only. People must build peace among themselves. People must establish new ways of relating to each other. And this has to start with the children. This is why Norway supports the development and upgrading of the Palestinian school system. This week representatives from Norway and the Palestinian Authority have had their annual meeting in Ramallah on educational co-operation. The purpose of this meeting was to assess education projects undertaken so far, and to discuss Norway’s future assistance. I understand that the discussions were very fruitful.

Some fifty years ago the founding fathers of UNESCO adopted the Constitution of this world organisation. The constitution starts as follows, and I quote: “…since war begins in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed”. As for myself, I firmly believe in the role of education in reaching peace. And like the founding fathers of UNESCO I believe there is still a need for building a defence of peace in the minds of men.

In November two years ago the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the year 2000 as the International Year for the Culture of Peace. I hope that this will come true also in this region. If the descendants of the children of Abraham may finally overcome the conflicts between them and find new ways of living together, then the year 2000 may indeed be remembered as an International Year for the Culture of Peace.

I have been asked to break the ground of the Dar el Kalima Academy. In the weeks to come local craftsmen will put stone on stone until the building is completed. And then the building will be filled with living stones. The children and young people of Bethlehem are these living stones. And these stones are all unique and beautiful. They are still flexible, and may be formed together in the daily life of this school.

I understand that the Dar el Kalima Academy will be a truly "open" institution: it will not build walls against any group of children and citizens. As human beings we are inclined to build walls to protect our own interests, and identity. The academy will be multicultural, ready to open its doors to all children and citizens.

On this occasion I would like to pay tribute to the city authorities for having given the site for the new academy to the Lutheran Church in Bethlehem. In this context I am pleased to tell you that this morning Norwegian children have lit candles made in Bethlehem, during the morning service in hundreds of Norwegian churches. Money has been collected for this institution. In this way churches in my country have started the celebration of the millenium, to commemorate the child who was born in Bethlehem two thousands years ago. It seems natural to start this celebration with an action of solidarity towards some of the children living in this city today.

With these words I am pleased to break the ground of the Dar el Kalima Academy in Bethlehem.

Shokran! (Thank you)

This page was last updated 6 December 1999 by the editors