Historical archive

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Address at Business Breakfast Seminar

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 1st Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Santiago, Chile, 4 December 1998

Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I sincerely appreciate this opportunity to address this breakfast seminar with participants from the business communities of Norway and Chile. It is an excellent opportunity for the Norwegian business delegation to learn from their counterparts in Chile about the potential that exists for closer commercial cooperation.

One thing is for certain; there is no lack of business opportunities. The economic resource basis in Norway and Chile has many common features. Both countries have an abundance of natural resources -energy, fish, minerals and forests. Both have a strong maritime environment. To some extent, this means that we are competitors in the global market. But this fact should not be seen as a problem, but rather as a challenge. Today, strategic alliances between competitors are often the best way to success.

In Norway we are impressed by the sustained and strong economic growth in Chile during the last ten years. The Norwegian government last year launched a Strategic Plan to strengthen Norway's economic, political and cultural relations with Latin America through a systematic and long term effort. My visit to Chile is a part of that effort.

We see a great potential for developing business in several sectors, i.e. shipbuilding, fish farming, energy supply, mining and metallurgic industry. Some of the Norwegian companies present here today are recognised as world leaders in these sectors. It is my hope that today’s meetings between Norwegian and Chilean business representatives will lay the foundation for lasting contacts and partnerships. Chile has an open and positive attitude towards foreign investments. This should also encourage Norwegian companies to be more active in Chile.

I am pleased to note that the federations of industries of Norway, the Confederation of production and commerce in Chile, the Chilean Federation of Industries and the Chamber of Commerce of Santiago take an active part in this seminar. They have a central role to play in stimulating enhanced contacts between the business communities in our two countries.

I wish you good luck with the seminar.

Thank you.