Historical archive

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Opening of the Tore A. Holm Exhibition in Barcelona

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 1st Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Palacio Real de Pedralbes, Barcelona, 18 May 1999

Mr. Mayor, ladies and gentlemen,

At first glance Norway and Catalonia have little in common.

At further scrutiny we are no strangers to one another.

We share the enjoyment of the sea and of the mountains. We have both organised the Olympic Games. The very successful Games at Barcelona in 1992 were duly noted by the entire world. On our part we were responsible for the Winter Games at Lillehammer two years later. It was indeed the 1992 Barcelona Games that brought the first major Norwegian art exhibition to this beautiful city in later years. This exhibition, ”Winterland,” was inaugurated by the Queen of Norway in September 1993. It included works by a number of Norwegian painters, Edvard Munch prominently among them.

In 1995 a Nordic Cultural Festival was held in several Spanish cities - Barcelona, Madrid, Valencia - encompassing art exhibits, concerts and lectures. And, as late as last year, the Association of Architects here in Barcelona hosted an exhibition dedicated to the Norwegian architect Sverre Fehn. That manifestation was a proof of the devoted reception given to Sverre Fehn’s works here in Catalonia.

To-day we mark the opening of Tore A. Holm’s noted collection of European contemporary painting. I thank the owner, Mr. Holm, for his tireless work in generously sharing his magnificent collection with the public, both in Norway and in Spain. I thank the Municipality of Barcelona and the Mayor personally for the hospitality which has made the exhibition in the astonishing Palacio de Pedralbes possible.

It is a privilege to see Norwegian as well as Spanish artists present here to-day, among them many Catalans. I am honoured that two of our foremost artists – the violinist Arve Tellefsen of international renown, and the pianist Håvard Gimse – will share their art with us this afternoon.

I thank all who have made this exhibition possible.