Historical archive

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Speech at Israeli Prime Minister’s Office

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 1st Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Jerusalem, 22 February 1999

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Prime Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen,

This is my first visit to Israel as Prime Minister of Norway.

Yet, it is not my first visit to the beautiful country of Israel. Several times I have had the pleasure to be here, in a country which has always held a special place in my heart.

We will enhance our friendly relations by regular visits. I will assure you that my government will continue to support the peace process in every way we can. This is a moral obligation. We wish to contribute to a direct dialogue between the Parties, in co-operation with others.

The peace process is at a crucial juncture. Ahead of us lie the final status negotiations, with their many difficulties. Great efforts and, undoubtedly, sacrifices will have to be made to reach a peace that will guarantee security and the common good.

Security is of paramount concern for Israel. And security - be it economic, social or political - is equally important to the Palestinians. Peace should lead to security for everyone.

Prime Minister,

We have witnessed the remarkable development of the state of Israel since its foundation 50 years ago. Israel’s democratic political system is a model for the whole region. Your economic development is impressive, as is your integration of a large number of immigrants.

I hope that my visit here will deepen the ties between our two countries.

Thank you for your warm welcome. I do indeed look forward to my stay.