Historical archive

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Speech at business luncheon in Maputo

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 1st Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Maputo, Mozambique, 9 February 2000

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Speech at Business Luncheon, Rovuma Carlton Hotel, Mozambique

9 February 2000

Your Excellency, ladies and gentlemen,

I am impressed by the good attendance at this business seminar. And, it is my impression that solid groundwork is being laid for follow-up and new projects.

Mozambique and Norway work very closely together in the development assistance area. We will continue to provide very significant support to you, in key areas for social and economic development of this country, which is so beautiful and so blessed with resources.

We share political values and aims. My discussions with president Chissano and with you, Mr Prime Minister, have reinforced my conviction that we should strengthen our political contacts; in the United Nations, on pressing global issues, and for the solution of the tragic regional conflicts in Southern Africa.

Thirdly, and very important – we are now systematically developing a third pillar in our relationship, opening up the major potential for economic and business co-operation between us.

Mozambique todayoffers the necessary conditions for a dynamic business relationship with Norway: Macro-economic stability and impressive economic growth, an ambitious economic reform-programme, political stability, and a willingness to ensure that economic growth also brings education and social development. Human development is, as we well know, essential, also for a healthy business environment.

Norway offers the necessary instruments: We have companies and institutions that can provide the technology and skills you need, in hydropower, transport, communications, forestry, shipping, water supply, and many other areas. Many of them have worked here for years – they know the environment and they know your requirements. They know that the transfer of technology must be accompanied by an integrated transfer of skills.

And, my government has a tailor-made strategy for business development in the South. My goverment and Norwegian business will implement this strategy together. Mozambique is a pilot country for the strategy. For good reasons. We have earmarked USD 10 million for this programme in Mozambique already this year. And we are looking forward to results:

Further improvement in the environment within which private companies operate, thus making Mozambique more attractive for international and Mozambican enterprise, and new business.

Mr Prime Minister,

The strong forces of globalization brings the world together, economically, culturally and in so many other ways. Globalisation raises some fundamental challenges for our nations - and certainly for developing nations like Mozambique. But it also offers major opportunities. The business programme we are launching with Mozambique is such an opportunity. I hope this opportunity will be seized, both in Mozambique and Norway.

Thank you.