Historical archive

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Speech at Maluane Health Centre

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 1st Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Mozambique, 10 February 2000

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Speech at Maluane Health Centre

Mozambique, 10 February 2000

I would like to start by saying how very pleased I am to have the opportunity to visit this newly rehabilitated health centre.

As many of you will know, Norway and Mozambique have worked together in the health sector for many years. We believe that in combating poverty, it is important to invest in the development of human resources, the capabilities and skills of each and every one of us. In this respect, education and primary health care are crucially important.

From the discussions we have had so far I understand that two of the most important challenges in the health sector in Mozambique are to reduce the high rate of maternal deaths in childbirth and to prevent the most common childhood diseases, through an extensive vaccination programme.

Reducing maternal deaths requires, among other things, 24-hour access to services. An extensive vaccination programme is dependent on a properly functioning cold chain for the vaccines.

These requirements are not easily met, without access to electric power. Many babies choose to come into the world in the middle of the night, and vaccines must be kept in the fridge.

With Norwegian solar power technology supplied by the company Fortum, your health centre will be able to provide light for women giving birth at night, and thus considerably improve access to the centre. Furthermore, solar power will supply electricity to the refrigerators where the vaccines are stored, and to the staff houses. I am also pleased to note that a Norwegian company, Plastec, has provided the water purification filter for this health centre. This filter has reduced the risk of disease.

This centre is a good example of what we can achieve together in our common fight against poverty. I hope that the use of solar power can serve as a model for other sectors that are equally important to the well-being of the population.

Again, thank you – and good luck with efforts.