Historical archive

Ministerial Conference on the Northern Dimension, Intervention on behalf of the Baltic sea states

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 1st Government

Publisher: Utenriksdepartementet

Foreign Minister Knut Vollebæk
Chairman of the Council of the Baltic Sea States:

Ministerial Conference on the Northern Dimension, intervention on behalf of the Baltic sea states

Ministerial Conference on the Northern Dimension, Helsinki, November 12, 1999

The focus of the Northern Dimension is also the focus of the CBSS. This is why at its annual meeting in Palanga in June the Council stated its readiness to play an active role in the implementation of the Northern Dimension. We are ready to contribute to the development of practical cooperation in key areas.

The CBSS is already actively involved in many of the areas covered by the Northern Dimension, in particular trade and investment, cross-border cooperation, social problems – for example children at risk - and education. The CBSS stands ready to develop further cooperation in these areas, as part of the implementation of the Northern Dimension. Substantial cooperation among the member countries is also taking place outside the CBSS proper, in areas such as energy, environment, and organised crime.

The guidelines for advancing the Northern Dimension stress the need to work within existing instruments and frameworks. On behalf of the CBSS, I would therefore like to offer the services of the Council as a useful tool and partner. We would also welcome more active participation in the CBSS by the European Commission, as indicated in the guidelines.

The CBSS could also play a significant role in the practical implementation of the action plan which will be worked out in cooperation with the partner countries. The CBSS has no desire to duplicate activities taking place in other bodies, but it has the potential to provide added value.

Since the CBSS also includes the partner countries, it can serve as a forum for coordinating the activities of all the actors in the region. This will avoid duplication of effort and create synergies in line with the overall aims of the Northern Dimension.

At the same time, we need to adapt our working methods to the developments which are taking place within the region. The aim is to present a more efficient CBSS as a tool for the Northern Dimension.

Closer coordination with other regional bodies such as the Barents Euro-Arctic Council is part of this process.

In order to get the most out of our limited resources at all levels, it is important to involve the sub-regional level in the further process of developing the Northern Dimension. Thereby our citizens will benefit from a more focussed approach that deals with their everyday problems.

The Council of the Baltic Sea States is an important instrument gathering countries both inside and outside of the European Union.

Russia is a major partner in the Baltic Sea and Barents Regions. Within the Northern Dimension, with its emphasis on cooperation with partner countries, Russia will be engaged more closely in practical cooperation in northern Europe. This is highly welcomed by all the countries represented in the CBSS.

There is broad support in the CBSS for the objective of developing the economic and political potential of the region covered by the Northern Dimension initiative. This will promote stability, improve relations with Russia and create positive ties.

The inclusion of Kaliningrad is also a positive development. As an enclave that will in the future be surrounded by the European Union, special consideration has to be given to the problems Kaliningrad will face.

The CBSS stands ready to play an active role in the further development of the Northern Dimension.

Thank you for your attention.

This page was last updated November 15, 1999 by the editors