Historical archive

The Biennale in Venice

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs

The Minister of Culture and Church Affairs
Valgerd Svarstad Haugland

The Biennale in Venice

The Nordic Pavilion, Giardini,Venice, 14. June 2003

Your Majesty, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen

The Nordic Pavilion in Venice is the last example of a 40-year co-operation between Sweden, Finland and Norway in participating in one of the world`s most prestigious contemporary-art festivals. These international surroundings are an excellent way of presenting this Nordic co-operation. The pavilion itself is a marvellous example of the modernistic and timeless Nordic style, harmoniously combining architecture and nature. With three countries working together on one Biennale, each country has the responsibility for the exhibition every sixth year. This year, in 2003, Norway is responsible for administrating the Nordic exhibition.

Since contemporary art is an important part of cultural life, it receives a lot of international attention. This is especially true with respect to the largest Biennales and exhibitions, for example the Venice Biennale, the Biennale in Sao Paulo and the Dokumenta in Kassel. The Biennale in Venice, this year celebrating its 50 th> anniversary, is an important international meeting place for artists, critics and the general public. It is a place to meet a large audience, and at the same time meet colleagues.

The Nordic countries have had different ways of approaching the international promotion of visual art. For a long period Norway had a Biennale-committee that was responsible for representing and carrying out the Biennale. However, it has proved necessary to establish an independent institution to maintain both the fields of contemporary art, and Norwegian participation in Biennales and other large visual-art exhibitions. Consequently the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Norwegian Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs together established the Office for Contemporary Art Norway. This institution has been operational from the beginning of 2002. The preparation of the current exhibition is the first major international commission the Office for Contemporary Art Norway has carried out. We are proud to have our own institution, modelled on similar institutions as in the other Nordic countries, taking care of this field. And it is with great expectations we observe the work being done by the Office.

It is now an honour for me to introduce Her Majesty the Queen of Norway who will officially open the Nordic Pavilion at this year’s Venice Biennale.