Historical archive

The Queen Sonja International Music Competition

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs

The Minister of Culture and Church Affairs Valgerd Svarstad Haugland

The Queen Sonja International Music Competition

Oslo Town Hall, 14. August 2003

Your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

The Queen Sonja International Music Competition was arranged for the first time in 1988. Both the competition and the world around us have changed a great deal during the fifteen years that have passed since then.

In the course of those years, the Queen Sonja International Music Competition has earned a reputation as an important competition for singers from all over the world.

The world we live in has seen dramatic changes during the past fifteen years. The cold war is now history, but it has been replaced by new threats. Hardly a day goes by without our reading about terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, famine and war. Today’s information society has made the world a smaller place. Other people’s misfortune is our concern, even if it happens elsewhere.

In this situation, it is more vital than ever before to be able to come together across national borders, regardless of religion, politics or conflicts. There is no doubt that music is one of the best bridge-builders in this regard, and I am pleased that Norway is able to host a competition that attracts participants from so many parts of the world.

This year 180 singers from 44 countries applied to participate in the Queen Sonja International Music Competition. Fifty singers from 23 countries were accepted as participants, and are here at Oslo City Hall tonight.

During the coming week they will have unique musical experiences, and we hope that they will also establish new contacts and friendships that will last far longer than the competition itself. These contacts will help to promote artistic development across national borders, and will also increase our awareness of living in a global community where we share common interests.

A word to the participants: we know that you will be giving us a week that we will never forget. As musicians, you have chosen an international line of work. The language of music is understandable to everyone, and you are in a unique position because you are capable of using this language with exceptional talent.

For some of you, this competition will mean substantial prizes and important concert engagements. But all of you will gain valuable experience and feedback from an extremely competent jury. I am sure we will appreciate not only the musical enjoyment you will give us, but also the fellowship that you will contribute to by coming to Norway.

And now a word to the jury: in any music competition, it is essential to have a jury with international standard. This year’s jury is second to none with regard to international experience and special expertise. I would like to wish you the best of luck in the difficult job that lies ahead of you in judging so many highly qualified singers.

In a few years Oslo will have a brand new opera house. We hope that the contacts that are established here during the coming week will ensure that many of you will return to Oslo, either as members of the audience or as performers in our new opera house.

It gives me great pleasure to declare the Queen Sonja International Music Competition to be open.