Historical archive

Concluding statement of the IMF mission

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Finance


An IMF mission has today presented a concluding statement on Norway to the Ministry of Finance. (11.12.2002)

Press Release

No.: 87/2002
Date: 11.12.2002
Contacts: Anne-Sissel Skånvik, telephone +47 22 24 41 09, mobile +47 91 32 28 11/ Runar Malkenes, telephone 22 24 41 31, mobile + 47 95 21 42 83

Concluding Statement of the IMF mission

An IMF Mission Has Today Presented a Concluding Statement on Norway to the Ministry of Finance.

The full statement is available here:

In a comment, Finance Minister Per-Kristian Foss says that he appreciates the IMF mission’s support on the Government’s strategy to reducing taxes, and he agrees to the comments on the need for a pension reform. – I notice that the mission supports our economic policy with respect to key issues and its positive assessment of the current state of the Norwegian economy. I have taken due note of the warning on a too strong increase in the use of oil revenues. It underlines the Government’s policy of using oil revenues in accordance with the fiscal budget guidelines.