Historical archive

Government gives priority to war on poverty

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Government’s goal is to gradually increase OECD's Development Assistance Committee-approved Official Development Aid to 1.0 per cent of GDP by 2005, says Minister of International Development Hilde Frafjord Johnson.

Press release

No.: 178/01
Date: 09.11.2001

Government gives priority to war on poverty

- We propose to raise development assistance in line with Proposition No. 1 to the Storting (2001–2002). This will bring our development assistance budget up to 0.92 per cent of our revised GDP estimate for next year, an increase from 0.89 per cent in 2001. The Government’s goal is to gradually increase OECD/DAC-approved ODA to 1.0 per cent of GDP by 2005, says Minister of International Development Hilde Frafjord Johnson.

Education and transition from crisis

The Government proposes certain changes in priorities in order to step up efforts in fields that to a greater extent benefit the poorest. This means the social sector, where education is of fundamental importance. The Government proposes to boost support for education by NOK 33 million, with additional allocations to areas where grave humanitarian crises are in the process of being resolved. This is given in the form of transitional aid, which may be called for in, for example, parts of Central Africa and Afghanistan. The Government proposes to increase this part of the aid budget by NOK 45 million, bringing it up to NOK 345 million.

NGOs and the struggle against HIV/AIDS

Development assistance channelled through NGOs has a strong poverty orientation. Support to civil society is also crucial to democracy-building and good governance. Therefore, the Government proposes to increase support to civil society and NGOs by NOK 40 million, in addition to the proposed NOK 50 million allocation for HIV/AIDS measures organized by NGOs. Otherwise the Government plans the same scope of assistance as outlined in Proposition No. 1 (2001–2002) to the Storting in this area and in total for combating the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Private-sector developments in the South

The Government is signalling that the follow-up to the Strategy for Private Development in the South will be stepped up by means of a number of measures. Private sector development is essential for economic development, and thus also for combating poverty in our partner countries. The Government therefore also intends to strengthen NORFUND’s support for investment in the least developed countries. The Government proposes a considerable increase in the support to NORFUND, although this will be somewhat less than the amount proposed in Proposition No. 1 (2001–2002) to the Storting.

Concentration of development cooperation

Proposition No. 1 (2001–2002) to the Storting proposes to concentrate development cooperation on fewer partner countries. The Government agrees with this and with the proposed selection of main partner countries: Mozambique, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Zambia, Nepal and Bangladesh. However, it proposes to make certain changes in the list of other partner countries.

Apart from these changes, the Government intends in general to follow the guidelines laid down in Proposition No. 1 (2001–2002) to the Storting. It proposes a total allocation for development assistance of NOK 13 505 million in ODA for 2002, as proposed in Proposition No. 1 (2001–2002) to the Storting. This is an increase of about NOK 1.2 billion compared with 2001 (a nominal increase of 9.4 per cent).

For further information contact:

Jon Mørland, Head of Information
Tel.: 22 24 39 11
Mob. 90 77 02 06