Historical archive

Norway gives NOK 10 million to UNRWA

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Press release

No.: 111/2002
Date: 28.05.2002

Norway gives NOK 10 million to UNRWA

Today Norway is donating NOK 10 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). The money is to go to UNRWA’s humanitarian assistance to refugees in the Palestinian Territory. UNRWA is responsible for social services such as education, health care and social welfare for almost 1.5 million refugees on the West Bank and in Gaza. As a result of the humanitarian crisis in the area in the last few months, UNRWA also has an acute need for support for emergency relief measures such as the distribution of food, temporary housing, the rebuilding of homes and repairing the damage to UNRWA’s installations.

In addition to the above funds, the remaining NOK 30 million of Norway’s annual general contribution of NOK 100 million is currently being transferred to UNRWA. Norway is one of the largest contributors to the organization, which is responsible for almost four million refugees in the Palestinian Territory, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.