Historical archive

Norway to contribute to UN Trust Fund for Peace Building in Somalia

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

During the briefing on Somalia in the Security Council 9 July 2002, Norway announced that it would contribute with NOK 6 million (USD 750 000) to the newly established UN Trust Fund for Peace Building in Somalia.

Press release

No.: 132/02
Date: 9 July 2002

Norway to contribute to UN Trust Fund for Peace Building in Somalia

During the briefing on Somalia in the Security Council the 9 July 2002, Norway announced that it would contribute NOK 6 million (USD 750 000) to the newly established UN Trust Fund for Peace Building in Somalia. "Norway has called for the establishment of a Trust Fund in several statements in the Council, and we are pleased to see that the Fund is now in place," said Norway’s Minister of International Development, Hilde F. Johnson.

Norway has played a leading role in Security Council efforts to resolve the conflict in Somalia. The new Trust Fund has been established in accordance with a Presidential Statement drafted by Norway and adopted by the Security Council on 28 March. Norway’s contribution to the fund will help to intensify UN peace-building efforts on the ground in Somalia.

"The Trust Fund will be used to support activities that in the long term will ensure that a representative government is formed in Somalia. The Fund will also be used to support community-based peace building, the disarmament and demobilization of the militia, including child soldiers, and the rehabilitation and reintegration of returnees and internally displaced persons, as well as to combat illicit trade and trafficking in small arms. Other priority tasks will be the training of police, HIV/AIDS education and prevention, and strengthening women’s participation at all levels of Somali society," said the minister.