Historical archive

Framework agreement with the EU on Norwegian participation in EU operations

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In the Council of State the 3 December, the Government approved the conclusion of a framework agreement between Norway and the EU on Norwegian participation in civilian and military crisis management operations undertaken by the Union. (06.12)

Press release

No.: 161/04
Date: 03.12.2004

Framework agreement with the EU on Norwegian participation in EU civilian and military crisis management operations

In the Council of State today, the Government approved the conclusion of a framework agreement between Norway and the EU on Norwegian participation in civilian and military crisis management operations undertaken by the Union.

The framework agreement is primarily an administrative agreement that lays down guidelines and procedures for Norwegian participation in crisis management operations under the auspices of the EU. The agreement sets out the principles for participation, chain of command and administrative and financial aspects of such operations.

The agreement does not entail any obligation for Norway to participate in future EU operations. Nor does it prejudice the agreement that must be in place before Norway can participate in an EU Battlegroup together with Sweden and Finland.

Several other EU partner countries will conclude similar agreements with the Union.

The agreement will be implemented for the first time in connection with Norwegian participation in the EU operation Althea in Bosnia and Herzegovina as from 15 December 2004.