Historical archive

Foreign Minister commends Israel for the evacuation from Gaza

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

This gives hope that the next phases of the withdrawal will proceed peacefully, said Foreign Minister Jan Petersen. (24.08)

Press release

No.: 136/05
Date: 23.08.2005

Foreign Minister commends Israel for the evacuation from Gaza

“The Israeli authorities must be commended for the way in which they carried out the evacuation of Israeli settlers from Gaza. This gives hope that the next phases of the withdrawal will proceed peacefully,” said Foreign Minister Jan Petersen.

“I am also pleased to note the calm and restraint displayed by the Palestinians during the evacuation,” he continued.

“Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has shown great courage in implementing the withdrawal, which could be an important step towards a two-state solution. This presupposes that the Road Map is implemented quickly and that the parties take advantage of this opportunity to revitalise the Palestinian economy,” said Mr Petersen.

“A two-state solution that begins and ends with Gaza will not lead to peace in the Middle East. As soon as the withdrawal has been completed, the parties must return to the negotiating table. I am particularly worried about the increasing settlement activity on the West Bank and in East Jerusalem, and about the plans to continue building the separation barrier in the Occupied Territories. If this trend continues, it will make a sustainable two-state solution impossible,” the Foreign Minister said.