Historical archive

Sudan peace agreement signed in Nairobi

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

International Development Minister Johnson signed the agreement as a witness on behalf of the Norwegian Government and delivered a welcome speech as chair of the Sudan Committee of the IGAD Partners’ Forum (IPF). (10.01)

Press release

No.: 07/05
Date: 09.01.2005

Sudan peace agreement signed in Nairobi

On Sunday 9 January, the Minister of International Development, Hilde F. Johnson, took part in the signing ceremony for the peace treaty between the Sudanese Government and the guerrilla movement SPLM. The ceremony was held in Nairobi under the auspices of the President of Kenya, Mwai Kibaki. International Development Minister Johnson signed the agreement as a witness on behalf of the Norwegian Government and delivered a welcome speech as chair of the Sudan Committee of the IGAD Partners’ Forum (IPF). A number of top leaders from the international community took part in the ceremony, including the US Secretary of State, Colin Powell.

In her speech, Ms Johnson highlighted the historic importance of the peace treaty and the challenges that will have to be solved after the signing of the treaty.

- The situation in Darfur must be brought under control. The crisis cannot be allowed to continue. Peace must be established in the whole of Sudan. We need a political solution to the crisis in the Western region, said Ms Johnson in her speech.

The minister encouraged the international community to support the work of rebuilding Sudan after the war. She underlined that the international support pledged for the flood victims in South East Asia must not be at the expense of help to other areas.

In her speech, the minister also pointed out that in 2005 Norway will arrange the first donor conference for Sudan to raise broad support for reconstruction in the country.

Press contact: Deputy Director General Per Egil Selvaag, mobile phone no. +47 90 04 56 51

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