Historical archive

Statement at "The Nairobi Declaration for the final phase of the Sudan Peace Process

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In the statement Ms Frafjord Johnson congratulated the negotiating teams with all the agreed protocols finalised, and that they now can show the Sudanese people and all of us that all the core issues of the final peace agreement have been settled. (09.06)

Minister of International Development Hilde Frafjord Johnson

Statement at Signing Seremoni for“The Nairobi Declaration for the final phase of the Sudan Peace Process”

Nairobi, 5 June 2004

President Kibaki,
First Vice-President Ali Osman Taha,
Dr John Garang de Mabior,
Your Excellencies,
Ladies and gentlemen,

  • I am greatly honoured to be invited to address you on the behalf of the IGAD Partners Forum and the Norwegian Government on this important occasion.
  • I would, once again, like to congratulate First Vice President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha and the SPLM Chairman, Dr. John Garang de Mabior, and their teams. We are very pleased that you have now arrived at this important stage, with all the agreed protocols finalised, and can show the Sudanese people and all of us that all the core issues of the final peace agreement have now been settled. This is to a great extent thanks to the two of you, the two leaders, to your personal commitment, your courage and your determination.
  • I would also like to congratulate the IGAD Sudan Committee, represented here by its chair, the Kenyan President, his Foreign Minister, the Kenyan Special Envoy and other IGAD envoys. Our countries have worked together for 10 years now, and it is a great pleasure for me to be celebrating this occasion with you.
  • I am particularly pleased to see the Egyptian Foreign Minister and the Secretary General of the Arab League here. This is symbolic of the broad support this peace process now enjoys.
  • The signing of this document today lends an added importance to the agreements already made. It will give them even broader international recognition. The necessary international guarantees can now be secured. The international community, most importantly the UN, the World Bank, the Arab League, the African Union and the European Union, as well as us members of the IGAD Partners Forum, can now really speed up our preparations for the coming peace in Sudan.
  • I would at the same time strongly urge you to complete the last technical implementation negotiations as soon as possible. The people of Sudan cannot wait, and neither can we in the international community. We are all anxious to see the signing of the final, comprehensive peace agreement.
  • As co-chairs of the IGAD Partners Forum, Norway and Italy will do their utmost to mobilise the support of the international community. Preparations have been under way for a long time. The Norwegian Government repeats its invitation to the parties and to all IGAD partners to attend a donor conference in Oslo that will be held shortly after the signing of the comprehensive peace agreement.
  • Today’s declaration provides a sound basis for achieving further progress towards resolving the conflicts in Darfur and other parts of Sudan. Without peace in the whole of Sudan it will be very difficult to mobilise donor resources and solve the country’s debt problems. And, most importantly, the people will continue to suffer. The world community expects this final negotiation round to be used to settle the conflict in Darfur. We urge the parties to commit themselves to achieving this goal. A comprehensive peace agreement for Sudan has to mean that there is peace in the whole of Sudan. The people of the Sudan deserve no less.
  • Mr. President, last week in connection with the signing of the last protocols, I quoted a Masaai saying. With the songs we have been hearing about the mountains and hills, I think it is equally appropriate here: “Ukitaka kukwea mlima, njia rahisi huwa si ile imenyoka ni virahisi kuukwea kwa mzunguko”. If you want to climb a mountain, the easiest and quickest way is not to go straight up, but to take a zigzag route.
  • You have taken the zigzag route. You are now only a few steps from the top. We can already see the fantastic view – from the height of a Sudan in peace and prosperity. It is up to us all to make it a reality for every Sudanese.

Thank you.

(See also Press Release)