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Norwegian support to free media - what do we want to achieve?

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The role of journalism cannot be overestimated. Journalism is, in the words of Philip Graham, former publisher of the Washington Post, “the first rough draft of history.” We cannot allow this rough draft of history to be written without the participation of the millions living in poverty, Hilde F. Johnson said in her opening address to the Free media seminar. (30.09)

Minister of International Development Hilde F. Johnson

Norwegian support to free media - what do we want to achieve?

Fredrikstad, 29 September 2005

Check against delivery

A few years ago, the World Bank published Voices of the Poor – a study of 60 000 people in 60 countries. They were asked what they most wished for. You might expect the answer to be money – but no. What they most wanted was a voice – a voice to convey their thoughts and concerns to the people in power. They wanted to express themselves, they wanted to draw attention to the inequalities that surrounded them, they wanted to elect their own representatives and gain access to the decision-making process.

The press is one of the best ways for fulfilling this wish.

Because the press can be a voice for the poor, an ally in the fight against inequality and injustice.

The press can be a powerful force in the fight against poverty, injustice, invisibility.

In fact, a free press may be the most powerful force in a society.

This is why it is so important to support a free press in the developing world – not only in its struggle to exist, but also in its endeavours to excel.

The press in developing countries

We know that the media can be many things to many people.

In Zimbabwe, donkey-drawn carts bring newspapers and radio tapes to people in rural areas.

In Bangladesh, villagers set up a television in the town hall, had a group of young people learn how to use a digital camera, and sent them out to interview people in the community. Now, every day at eight o’clock in the evening, everybody crowds around the television to see the result – the local “evening news” put together by the young journalists.

In Sri Lanka, people in a small town flock to the internet café to read up on news and the latest developments in the markets for their agricultural products.

In Kenya, a large media conglomerate – Nation – brings quality journalism not only to Kenyans, but also to Ugandans and Tanzanians.

Good news – but not enough. There is still much that remains to be done.


  • There are still more telephone lines in Manhattan than in all of Africa put together
  • Most of the world’s poor still cannot afford to buy newspapers
  • Internet access remains a science fiction fantasy for a large majority of the population
  • Many media organisations in the developing world are weak – they have few resources, old equipment, and operate in an environment of censorship and corruption.
  • Over the past couple of years, a record number of journalists and photographers imprisoned, tortured and killed.

It is vital that the world community comes together to remedy this situation. This is why support to free and independent media is an integral part of Norway’s development policy.

Norway’s support to the media

Assistance to the media has been part of Norway’s development programmes since the 1980s. Support to the press became particularly important after the end of the cold war and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Since then, Norwegian media aid has developed from support for relatively modest projects to multi-faceted programmes focusing on education, technical assistance and networking. We have now entered a new phase in our support to the media, where ad-hoc solutions and individually driven projects have been replaced by long-term strategies and commitments. We have established guidelines for our support to free media, which emphasises critical journalism. For the past couple of years, our annual support to the free media has been about NOK 70 million.

The media and democracy

The reason that we support the media is clear: it is crucial for creating democratic societies and strengthening human rights. Free and independent media can play a unique role in promoting good governance in developing countries. This is a key priority in our fight against poverty and our efforts to reach the MDGs. However, establishing and nurturing a fledgling independent press in the developing world requires assistance from the international community.

We need to support free media and strengthen their ability to be the watchdog of society that they are meant to be.

This is why the Norwegian government has intensified its support to the media as a fundamental element in our international development efforts. We want to support the media in the developing world on several levels: within each country, within the regions, and within international press organisations. We know that government support to the media can be an effective way of ensuring a diverse and robust media environment – not least because we have used it with success in our own country.

Quality problems

After the breakdown of one-party states and military dictatorships during the last decade, there has been a general liberalisation of the media in a number countries. As multiparty systems emerged, new and independent media outlets were born. There has been a considerable increase in quantity – but not always in quality.

Many of the new media outlets – mostly newspapers and private radio stations – are struggling financially. And the quality of the editorial product often varies, for two main reasons: 1) the journalists have little formal education, and 2) the financial situation cannot sustain long-term, investigative journalism. These newspapers and radio stations operate on a shoestring budget, struggling from day to day just to survive.

Without proper training and a minimum of resources, journalists can easily sink into shoddy reporting and sensationalism. One example is the frequent stories about corruption, which may attract a lot of attention and boost sales in the short run, but lack the solid research needed to really get to the bottom of the story.

This is not to say that lackadaisical research is exclusive to the developing world – we certainly see it in some Norwegian media as well. But unless a story is thoroughly researched and correctly presented, its impact will be minimal – or negative. The end result will be loss of credibility for the journalist and the media concerned in the short run – and total irrelevance in the long run.

Other problems

But all will not be solved just by providing better training for journalists and setting higher standards. Other factors are equally important for the development of a free and independent press.

  1. Legal framework

Over the past 10 years there has been a welcome liberalisation of laws regulating the press in many developing countries. The legal and regulatory framework for the press has been strengthened to promote freedom of expression. But the effects of new and more liberal laws in one area have been neutralised by new legislation in another: security and anti-terrorism. Terrorism concerns have triggered a tightening of security laws in many countries, and this has led to restrictions on the media. This often unintentional, but unacceptable, side-effect must be addressed.

  1. Self-censorship

Self-censorship among journalists and editors is another frequent phenomenon. Journalists often have to make difficult decisions. Do you write a critical story and risk losing your job? Should a newspaper print a story that will antagonise its advertisers, its main source of income? In many countries in the developing world, journalists must make decisions without the backing of a trade union or a media council. They do not have the opportunity to organise such support.

Maintaining your integrity is never easy, but when it is linked to your own or your organisation’s survival, it becomes almost impossible.

  1. Corruption

Although the press can be a key weapon in the fight against corruption, journalists are also attractive targets for corruption themselves. The temptations are great, especially if you work long hours for minimal wages.

Corruption impedes development wherever it appears, but rarely are the consequences graver than when corruption engulfs the part of society that has the power to expose it – the press.


In Tanzania, 60 to 80 per cent of journalists had no formal training until recently (NORAD Assessment 2002, SIDA 1996). This created a quality and credibility problem for the Tanzanian media. Here is an example:

In Tanzania, the mediocrity of the media triggered a reaction and gave rise to a new way of thinking. Media owners, journalists’ organisations and several donors, among them Norway, agreed that mid-career training was essential to improve the quality of Tanzanian journalism. Norway has financed and will continue to finance such training, and the results have been very encouraging.

In Ethiopia, Norway is supporting a programme for educating journalists. The programme is being run jointly with a Norwegian partner, the Gimlekollen School of Journalism and Communication. The purpose of the programme is to establish a School of Journalism and a Centre for Journalism and Communication at Addis Ababa University.


Let me also say a few words about a country particularly close to my heart: Sudan. The peace process has been brought to a successful end, and the country is embarking on what may be the best-prepared process for building peace in a country long that has long been at war with itself. Free and independent media can and must play an important role in creating a transparent, stable and democratic country. In fact, it may be key in safeguarding the peace. Several of you will contribute. Norway has supported media organisations throughout the peace process, and will continue to do so in the years to come.

Good governance

To be successful in the fight against poverty, we have to focus our efforts on building democracy and ensuring good governance. UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan has designated good governance as the most important single factor in eradicating poverty. If we want to reach the Millennium Development Goals, which are reflected in the Norwegian Government’s Action Plan for Combating Poverty in the South, and in our white paper “Fighting Poverty Together”, it is essential to strengthen good governance in every possible way.

Good governance means improving public policies and public administration, and strengthening checks and balances. In our development policies, we have chosen to concentrate on state control bodies such as the office of the auditor general, political institutions such as the national assembly, and non-state actors such as political parties and civil society organisations.

In addition we focus on the independent media, because no other part of society has greater potential for influencing governance.

The knowledge that the media is keeping a close eye on the workings of the government is the best check against the misuse of power – both in the developing and in the developed world. We cannot do without it.

In the words of Thomas Jefferson:

"Our liberty depends on the freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost."

Transparency – human rights

A free and independent media is essential for transparency in government as well as in business, and plays a critical role in holding the people in power accountable. The press is also crucial for documenting human rights abuses and preventing the systematic or random abuse of power.

In Zambia, the role of the press on the issue of sexual violence against young girls illustrates what the media can – and should – do. The women’s movement has been working in tandem with the media to bring sexual violence out of the private sphere and into the arena of public debate. This has put rapists in prison, and has given many people the courage to speak up.

Another recent example is in Kenya, where the press has played a key role in exposing corruption problems in the present government.

The government, to its credit, has given the press considerably more freedom than its predecessors did – and media has done what the media should do, which is to hold the government to its promises.

Transparency – corruption

The media has a crucial role to play in making politicians and decision-makers accountable to the people. Transparent decision-making processes is the way – the only way – to achieving broader participation and a more democratic society.

Reports show that higher levels of perceived media freedom and independence are associated with lower levels of perceived corruption.

Examples from Peru and other developing countries show that even in a country where there is regulation and informal control of the press, the media can expose corruption and increase the pressure for better governance.

What kind of assistance?

Before assistance is given to the media, we should ask key questions like:

  1. Will the assistance improve media freedom and effectiveness?
  2. Will it help improve the quality of governance?

Media assistance covers many different fields. It includes support for educating and training professional journalists and editors. It includes training in business management, marketing and efforts to ensure financial independence. It includes training in media ethics and accountability.

Other areas that need support are: building democratic and legal frameworks for the press, developing trade associations and legal defence systems, and security training to improve reporting from conflict areas.

We will give priority to strengthening the critical role of the media and journalists and their professional ethics by establishing scholarships, supporting measures to improve journalists’ security and providing training in investigative journalism. Our studies show that this particular focus is missing from most media development projects. Too often, outside support concentrates on issues of particular importance to the donor, not on developing the capacity of the press as such. Donors use the media as a tool to address and educate the public, but we may have an even more important role to play in developing the tool itself.

Norway’s goal is to support critical and responsible journalism and give a voice to people who have few opportunities to fight for their rights. In this way we hope to support forces that can bring about democratic reforms and promote good governance in developing countries.

Our overarching goal is to combat world poverty. Supporting the media is part of this effort.

It is part of our responsibility as a government, just as it is part of your responsibility as representatives of the media, to keep the world’s attention focused on the needs and rights of the poor.

The role of journalism cannot be overestimated. Journalism is, in the words of Philip Graham, former publisher of the Washington Post, “the first rough draft of history.”

We cannot allow this rough draft of history to be written without the participation of the millions living in poverty. This is why my government supports free media in developing countries – and this is why I am so pleased to see so many of you here today. I wish you every success at this seminar, and encourage each and every one of you to participate in this great effort: to bring a voice to the many, many who are not yet heard today.

Thank you.