Historical archive

Statement at International Conference on Iraq

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

We must contribute to reviving the Iraqi economy. This is essential for achieving the ambitious goals the transitional government has set, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jan Petersen, said in his statement at the Iraq conference in Brussels. (23.06)

Foreign Minister, Mr Jan Petersen

Statement at International Conference on Iraq

Brussels, 22 June 2005

Check against delivery

Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, colleagues and friends,

Today we confirm our support for the building of a new and democratic Iraq. The country has been severely damaged by a repressive regime, but Iraq is rich in resources and has now been given a new chance.

It is encouraging that the UN Security Council Resolution 1546 has so far been implemented according to schedule. Norway is fully behind the Iraqis in their efforts to build true democracy and applauds the UN’s efforts to help make this happen. The courageous and enthusiastic participation of the Iraqi people in the January elections was a milestone in this process.

The major task now facing Iraq’s new political leadership is the drafting of a new constitution. This will lay the foundation for a democratic and pluralist Iraq, with respect for the human and political rights of all its citizens.

The new constitution can only achieve legitimacy through a broad participatory process, in which all religious and ethnic groups must be involved. An inclusive process will make the constitution a source of reconciliation, not a cause for more conflicts.

An equally important task is the rebuilding of the infrastructure and economy. As a member of the donor committee in the International Reconstruction Facility Fund for Iraq, Norway is strongly committed to these efforts. We are doing what we can to meet the needs of the Iraqi transitional leadership, and have disbursed our commitments from the 2003 Madrid pledging conference more speedily than anticipated.

But humanitarian assistance is not enough. We must contribute to reviving the Iraqi economy. This is essential for achieving the ambitious goals the transitional government has set. Norway will continue to support Iraq in its efforts to achieve these goals. Based on our knowledge in this field we have entered into a bilateral co-operation in the petroleum sector. The objective is to address a number of challenges that have been identified by the Iraqi authorities.

The security situation is still very difficult. Better security is essential for stability and prosperity in the country – and in the region. We must assist the Iraqis maintain security while at the same time building up their ability to do the job themselves. Norway will continue to contribute through NATO, through the Multinational Force, and through bilateral assistance.

[Thank you, Mr. Chairman].