Historical archive

Speaking notes regarding terrorist attacks

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development

State Secretary Kristin Ørmen Johnsen, Metropolis conference, Rotterdam – The Netherlands, 27th of November.

State Secretary Kristin Ørmen Johnsen

Speaking notes regarding terrorist attacks

Metropolis, Rotterdam, 27 th of November 2001

The terrorist attacks in the USA on September 11 th> regard all of us. The terrorists have attacked all basic values in a democratic society, such as openness, freedom and security. The terrorists’ goal is to create perplexity and dissension/disruption, fear and insecurity, and in many ways they have succeeded. A lot of people feel threatened, and they fear that terrorism can hit their neighborhood next time.

Furthermore, after the incident a lot of individuals within certain groups have felt that they are suspected because of their belief, colour, race or ethnic origin. Lately we have seen reports of pupils being harassed because of their belief or ethnic origin. Many equal Islam and fanaticism. For the Norwegian Government it is important to mark a distance from this kind of attitude. This is not a war against Muslims or Islam; it is a war against terrorism.

And we mustn’t let the terrorists succeed! We have to be firm and endurable, and we have to stay together. Instead of fear of strangers and insecurity between people we have to build new confidence and understanding.

The Government’s basis of values

The Government bases its values on the constitutional state and the principles of democracy, as well as on Christian and humanistically ethical values. Everybody, regardless of background, has the same right to be considered as individuals, not only as a part of a group, culture or religion. The Government therefore strongly disapproves of actions or attitudes that give an impression that Muslims are not a part of the Norwegian community. Nobody should feel threatened or take the risk of being harassed or treated unfairly because of his or her belief, colour or ethnic origin. Norway is a multicultural society, and there are many ways of being a Norwegian.

Fight racism and discrimination

The Government has committed itself to actively work against racism and discrimination. In order to do so, it is necessary that the authorities, schools, voluntary organizations and single individuals continuously work to reach this goal. As a part of this effort, we will present a new Plan of Action against Racism and Ethnic Discrimination next year, and we will propose new legislative measures against ethnic discrimination.

A warning against stigmatizing attitudes

We all tend to simplify and categorize our environment, and prejudice can be the result of this tendency. Some people only want information that confirms their prejudices, and they are resistant to new knowledge and information. It is important to all of us not to be caught within old biases, but to be open-minded and capable of absorbing new knowledge.

Norwegians of today have varied cultural background. This is a valuable feature, but a multicultural society requires tolerance and knowledge among its inhabitants. In Norway we see that there is a need of more knowledge about Islam, as well as a need of better understanding between the different religious communities.

[ Metropolis Conference ]