Historical archive

Børge Brende, Minister of the Environment

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of the Environment

Børge Brende is the new Minister of the Environment. The 36 year old politician has been MP since 1997 and deputy since 1989. (23.10.01)

23.10.01, (changed 28.01.02)

Børge Brende, Minister of the Environment

Børge Brende is the new Minister of the Environment. The 36 year old politician has been MP since 1997 and deputy since 1989.


Name: Børge Brende
Born 25.09.1965


Cand.mag. from NTNU (Norwegian University for Technology and Science, Trondheim, 1997
Finance director at Brende-Entreprenør AS from 1990-92

Periods at the Norwegian Parliament

Deputy representing the county of Sør-Trøndelag 1989-93(Høyre/ The Conservative Party)
Deputy representing the county of Sør-Trøndelag 1993-97
Member of the Storting (Norwegian Parliament) representing Sør-Trøndelag 1997-2001 and 2001-2005.

Member of parliamentary committees

1997-2001: Member of the Finance and Customs Committee
2001-2005: Deputy of the Electoral College

Brende has also been member of several delegation committees related to EEA/EFTA, and he has also been engaged in politics at municipal level. Brende has also held several public posts and honorary posts. He has been a politician since 1985.