Historical archive

A low greenhouse gas emitting society

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of the Environment

The Norwegian Government has appointed a seven-member large commission to consider how Norway could become a low greenhouse gas emitting society. The commission will work on the basis that the national emissions of greenhouse gases should be reduced by 50-80% within 2050. Jorgen Randers (photo), professor of policy analysis at the Norwegian School of Management will be the leader of the commission. (11.03.05)

Press release

Date: 11.03.05

Commission to consider how Norway could become a low greenhouse gas emitting society

Jorgen Randers. Photo: BIThe Norwegian Government has appointed a seven-member large commission to consider how Norway could become a low greenhouse gas emitting society. The commission will work on the basis that the national emissions of greenhouse gases should be reduced by 50-80% within 2050. Jorgen Randers(photo), professor of policy analysis at the Norwegian School of Managementwill be the leader of the commission.

- By establishing this commission, the Government wants to get a better understanding of the changes that are necessary for Norway to become a low emissions society within a 50-year period, says Minister Hareide.

The commission's main task will be to outline different scenarios for how the national emissions can be reduced by 50-80% within 2050. The commission's main focus will be on possibilities for developing and utilising new technologies to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The commission will assess economic costs and other consequences attached to the different scenarios. In doing so, the commission will also compare Norway's situation with other countries.

The commission will work in close dialogue with the civil society, and relevant experts will be included in the process. The commission's conclusions are to be presented in an official report. The commission will have a time limit of 18 months for its work.

Based on the commission's conclusions, the Government will initiate a process aimed at outlining long-term national goals for emissions of greenhouse gases, says Minister Hareide.

Contact person: Deputy Director General Håvard Toresen + 47 22 24 59 73