Historical archive

New state secretaries

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Press release

No.: 10/2003
Date: 31 January 2003

New state secretary in
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
and Ministry of Fisheries

In today’s session of the Council of State, the King has appointed Ms. Thorhild Widvey (47), state secretary, Oslo, as state secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Ms. Janne Johnsen (32), political advisor, Stavanger, as state secretary in the Ministry of Fisheries. At the same time Ms. Widvey has been honourably discharged from the office as state secretary in the Ministry of Fisheries.

In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Widvey succeeds Ms. Elsbeth Sande Tronstad, who earlier has been honourably discharged from the office of state secretary there from 1 January 2003.

The list of state secretaries now looks as below. The Government represents the Conservative Party (C), the Christian Democratic Party (Chr.) and the Liberal Party (Lib.)

Office of the Prime Minister:
Ms. Kari Husøy (Chr.)
Mr. Eirik Moen (C)
Mr. Gunnar Kvassheim (Lib.)
Mr. Odd Jostein Sæter (Chr.)
Mr. Gunnar Husan (Chr.)
Ms. Siv Nordrum (Chr.)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Mr. Kim Traavik (C)
Mr. Vidar Helgesen (C)
Ms. Thorhild Widvey (C)

Ministry of Finance:
Mr. Øystein Børmer (C)
Ms. Kari Elisabeth Olrud Moen (C)
Mr. Knut Arild Hareide (Chr.)

Ministry of Culture and Church Affairs:
Revd. Berit Øksnes Gjerløw (Chr.)
Mr. Yngve Slettholm (Chr.)

Ministry of Agriculture:
Mr. Leif Helge Kongshaug (Lib.)

Ministry of Justice and the Police:
Major General Jørn Holme (Lib.)
Ms. Rita Sletner (Lib.)

Ministry of Health:
Ms. Kristin Ravnanger (Chr.)

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (international development affairs):
Mr. Olav Kjørven (Chr.)

Ministry of Petroleum and Energy:
Ms. Brit Skjelbred (Chr.)

Ministry of Children and Family Affairs:
Mr. Odd Anders With (Chr.)

Ministry of Education and Research:
Mr. Bjørn Haugstad (C)
Mr. Helge Ole Bergesen (C)

Ministry of Fisheries:
Ms. Janne Johnsen (C)

Ministry of Labour and Government Administration:
Mr. Lars Arne Ryssdal (C)
Mr. Osmund Kaldheim (C)

Ministry of Social Affairs:
Mr. Jan Otto Risebrobakken (C)

Ministry of Trade and Industry:
Ms. Helle Hammer (C)
Mr. Oluf Ulseth (C)

Ministry of Transport and Communications:
Mr. Arnfinn Torbjørn Ellingsen (Lib.)

Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development:
Ms. Kristin Ørmen Johnsen (C)
Mr. Morten Andreas Meyer (C)
Mr. Anders Johan Henrik Eira (C)

Ministry of Defence:
Mr. Gunnar Heløe (C)

Ministry of the Environment:
Mr. Lars Jacob Hiim (C)