Historical archive

Norway’s Prime Minister holds phone conversation with US President

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Press release

No.: 31/2003
Date: 13 March 2003

Norway’s Prime Minister holds
phone conversation with US President

Norway’s Prime Minister, Mr. Kjell Magne Bondevik, on Thursday evening had a telephone conversation with the President of the USA, Mr. George W. Bush. The conversation was set up on the President’s initiative.

The Prime Minister and the President discussed the necessity of fighting international terrorism, the importance of NATO cooperation, the good bilateral relations between the two countries, the situation in the Middle East and – naturally – the Iraq issue.

The two agreed that Norway and the USA, as close allies, have a number of joint tasks in the future. Despite disagreement on how to handle the Iraq issue, the two agreed that this must not be allowed to overshadow the many areas where Norway and the USA need each other and are cooperating closely. They both underlined that this close and good cooperation will continue.

The Prime Minister stated Norway’s view in the Iraq issue. He underlined that Norway consistently holds the view that any military action on behalf of the international society must be founded in the UN Security Council.

The two agreed that Security Council resolution 1441 is the fundament for the Council’s ongoing discussions, and on the need for the Council to stand as united as possible.

There was no disagreement when it came to the lack of Iraqi cooperation with the UN weapons inspectors. This was seen as the main reason why it had not been possible for the inspectors to draw clear conclusions about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction. The Prime Minister underlined that the weapons inspectors had seen progress in their work, and that they should be able to continue as long as this is seen to be meaningful.

The Prime Minister underlined that if military operations were to take place, Norway would contribute in the humanitarian field and in reconstruction efforts.

The Prime Minister referred to Norway’s contributions in the fight against international terrorism, something the President appreciated.

President Bush and Prime Minister Bondevik both expressed hope that the appointment of a Palestinian prime minister may lead to progress in peace efforts in the Middle East.