Historical archive

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Opening of Donor Meeting on East Timor

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Oslo, 11 December 2001

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Opening of the Donor Meeting on East Timor

Folkets Hus, Oslo, 11 December 2001

Distinguished Secretary-General of the United Nations, President of the World Bank, Nobel Peace Prize Laureates, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It strikes a special chord in all of us.

As we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Peace Prize, East Timor’s long years of struggle for freedom and independence finally pays off.

That the United Nations and its Secretary-General are the recipients of this year’s Nobel Prize adds further momentum: The United Nations has undertaken key work in preparing East Timor’s future in a free and democratic spirit.

I am honoured to welcome East Timor’s own Nobel laureate Mr. José Ramos Horta. Unfortunately, Bishop Belo was not able to join us in Oslo, but he is with us in our hearts.

You have played major roles in focusing the world’s attention on your just cause.

I welcome also a true hero of East Timor and a symbol of independence, Mr. Xanana Gusmao.

The elections last August took place in a peaceful and democratic manner.

For this I salute you.

The establishment of a constituent assembly and an all-Timorese government are milestones in East Timor’s transition to independence. On this special occasion this afternoon, I therefore welcome another key figure, Chief Minister Dr. Mari Alkatiri.

I am honoured that Norway is a long-time, entrusted friend. We are dedicated to the future. We have worked together with East Timor through this difficult transition towards independence. We look forward to continuing that partnership.

The Norwegian people have a deep admiration for the sacrifices made by the East Timorese people for more than 25 years. We believe in your quest for freedom and self-determination.

The East Timorese people have shown great courage in the face of violence.

Now, the long awaited independence is at hand. Your country will soon become the first new nation of this millennium.

East Timor still faces formidable challenges.

Building a democratic and peaceful future has just begun though important steps have been taken.

My country is dedicated to the UN Successor Mission. In the UN Security Council we have given our strong support. We underline that the mandates of the Security Council be fulfilled. That way, the international community will continue to stand by your side in securing tomorrow’s independence and democracy.

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

It is an honour for my Government to host this fifth Donors’ Meeting on East Timor in Oslo.

I welcome all participants. We believe in your dedication. And East Timor needs your dedication in order to build that most valuable framework for the future - a democratic and peaceful society.

Thank you.