Historical archive

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Speech at Baltic Sea States Summit

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

St. Petersburg, Russia, 10 June 2002

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Speech at Baltic Sea States Summit

St. Petersburg, Russia, 10 June 2002

Mr. President,

I am happy to address a question of direct relevance to all people.

The old saying ”prevention is better than cure” is very true in the field of communicable diseases. Centuries of improvement in living conditions and hygiene have brought us to a point where we thought that the battle was won.

Today, however, we have alarming statistics from part of our region with regard to HIV and tuberculosis. The situation continues to be of great concern.

We have before us a proposal that the mandate of the Task Force on Communicable Disease Control in the Baltic Sea region be extended until the next Baltic States Sea Summit.

I refer you to the thorough report provided to us by the Task Force. Our focus is put on HIV, the health situation in prisons, health sector reform and the training in public health.

Collaboration in this field is a win-win situation. We all stand to benefit. Infectious diseases pose a threat to all of us. The collaboration between our professionals is fostering better understanding, better preparedness and better strategies for preventing and treating communicable diseases.

I move that we approve the statement on communicable disease control that is attached to the draft Chairman’s Conclusions. The statement obliges us to give further support to our common efforts. The recommendations have been agreed on by the Task Force through useful and good cooperation between all the members. Thank you.