Historical archive

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Opening of the Exhibition “Migration”

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Grenselandmuseet, Kirkenes, 11 January 2003

Excellencies, Dear friends,

The climate is cold. The welcome is warm.

It takes a warm-hearted, extrovert people to create a viable, workable cooperation across national boundaries, political history, language, culture and traditions.

That is why we today celebrate the 10 th> anniversary of the Barents Euro-Arctic Cooperation.

Here in the High North of Europe they gather - Kven, Saami, Finns, Swedes, Norwegians, Russians. They have all crossed borders long before the borders were determined, they have adopted each other’s languages and traditions, occupied the same vast space for centuries.

Since the Russian border was re-opened the old patterns of communication have been revived. Multiculturalism is a way of life.

The exhibition “Migration,” which we have the honour to be opening today, is a demonstration of this ability and willingness to cooperate across borders.

Artists from all over our northern region have contributed their works, all four countries are involved, and the exhibition will itself migrate – it will cross all the borders in the course of this year.

Financially and in terms of content, the exhibition is what we want the whole region to become: naturally multicultural.

It is an Interreg project, which means that the European Union is giving it attention and support. This is an expression of what we want for the region as a whole.

Art is communication without words. Art also depicts truths that words cannot convey. This exhibition is a short cut to insight. I believe it will provide a sense of identity and pride in their heritage for all those who live here.

The Saami poet Rauni Magga Lukkari said,

“In this country a person’s faith has to be wrought in iron,

love is tested,

and hope is lost time and time again,

only to triumph at the end.”

I congratulate the artists and wish the main organisers, “Pikene på Broen” and Sør-Varanger municipality, and their cooperation partners in the other countries, every success.

I would like to ask my colleagues from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Russia and Sweden to join me in cutting the tape and officially declaring this exhibition to be open.