Historical archive

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Address at Seminar on Electoral Process and Reconciliation in Haiti

Historical archive

Published under: Bondevik's 2nd Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Holmenkollen Park Hotell, Oslo, 23 August 2005

Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik

Seminar on electoral process
and reconciliation in Haiti

Holmenkollen Park Hotell, Oslo, 23 August 2005

Mrs Menchu,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I am delighted to have this opportunity to welcome you all to Norway on the occasion of this seminar on electoral process and reconciliation. We are honoured that Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Rigoberta Menchu has agreed to share her experiences with us. She has been at the forefront of the long and difficult struggle for democracy, justice and human rights in Guatemala.

I would also particularly like to welcome the distinguished representatives of the Dominican Republic, who have joined us for part of this seminar.

This is not the first time that political leaders from Haiti have met in Norway to engage in dialogue and efforts to achieve reconciliation. In August last year you came to an agreement here in Norway on a declaration, a code of conduct. On 14 June this year you signed an electoral pact in Port-au-Prince, a code of conduct for the forthcoming elections. The pact signalled a commitment to developing a new political climate based on dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding. I am confident that you will take advantage of this electoral pact as a framework in your efforts to ensure free and fair elections in Haiti this year. But also, in the longer perspective, as a guide for constructive development in your country.

The role and responsibilities of the media in a democracy, and particularly in an electoral process, is an important issue. Politicians communicate through the media. But the media are also essential for the mobilisation, participation and education of the electorate. The coming days will provide insights into the way the press works in our country, empowered by freedom of expression but at the same time guided by its own code of conduct.

A lasting and peaceful solution in Haiti can only be achieved by the Haitians themselves. And therefore it is vital that you, the political leaders and journalists, participate wholeheartedly in the building of a democratic society. Norway intends to do its part. We remain committed to assisting reconciliation processes between political and civilian groups.

The forthcoming elections in Haiti are an opportunity to make a new start, from which the country can begin to address the multitude of challenges it faces. Legitimate national authorities are essential for lasting and sustainable peace. It is time to put maximum effort into building the future.

I hope that the days you spend in Norway will be an opportunity to foster mutual understanding and strengthen the common basis needed to hold successful elections. I know you will be working hard, but hope that our Haitian, Guatemalan and Dominican friends will also have the opportunity to enjoy some Norwegian hospitality.

I wish you every success in your efforts at the seminar here in Norway, and in the very important work ahead of you. I will be following the developments in Haiti with great interest, and can assure you of the support of the Norwegian government in your work towards reconciliation in Haiti.

Thank you.