Historical archive

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

Dinner speech to the President  Valdas Adamkus of Lithuania

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 1st Government

Publisher: The Office of the Prime Minister

Akershus Palace, Oslo, 16 October 2000

Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg

Speech at Dinner in Honour of H.E. the President of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus and Mrs. Adamkiene

Akershus Castle, 16 October 2000

Mr. President, Mrs. Adamkiene, Your Excellencies, Ladies and gentlemen,

Your life, Mr. President, mirrors the Lithaunian drama of the 20 th> century.

Your parents took part in the war of independence.

You were born in an independent Lithuania.

You joined the resistance during the Second World War. Later you fought the Soviet Army of occupation.

Then followed emigration to the United States at a time when there was little hope for an independent Lithuania.

Then came the tidal change of a new Europe: After years of exile you returned to be elected to your country’s highest office in 1998.

We stand at the beginning of a new century, a century that brings new hope.

For so many years in the past men and women of our countries crossed the Baltic Sea to trade and build cultural ties.

For half a century that same sea was a barrier to contact.

Today it is yet again a link between free peoples.

Lithuania is where it belongs: At the heart of Europe – taking on its rightful place among the free nations of our continent.

Once more, the contacts between our two countries blossom.

Vilnius shines among the most beautiful capitals in Europe after being restored to its former splendour.

Lithuania attracts Norwegians.

A number of Norwegian companies have established themselves in Lithuania.

Among the first was Statoil. The company now operates some 30 petrol stations throughout your country.

The retail trade is represented by food chains and clothing shops. Norwegian business is engaged in ship repair, media, construction and beverage production

Mr. President,

Investing is believing.

We enjoy political contacts at government level, between our parliaments as well as political parties.

We are moving closer in fields as diverse as local government, health, integration of minorities and language training, and education and science.

And at the core of all relations lies culture.

Our cultural bonds have a long history.

Starting this autumn, our programme "Focus on the Baltics" will further improve my country’s cultural contacts with the Baltic states.

We had the pleasure to welcome a Lithuanian performance of the play "Hedda Gabler" at the international Ibsen festival in Oslo last month.

Where culture is exchanged – curiosity grows.

When people meet, relations take hold and understanding grows.

This is now happening.

Tourism is developing. Young Norwegians and young Lithuanias learn to know each other through travel and study.

We stand only at the beginning of a new era, rich in prospects and opportunities.

Common obligations and common purpose: This is the focal point of modern Europe.

Lithuania has made its ambition clear: You are heading for the European Union.

This I welcome.

EU enlargement will contribute to economic and political stability in Europe.

In this process Norway is your partner. As party to the European Economic Area my country looks forward to welcoming Lithuania also to the EEA co-operation.

Any free nation shall decide on its own how to meet its security needs.

Your ambition is NATO membership.

This too Norway welcomes.

Any nation must be free to choose how to take care of its own security.

For some years already we co-operate in the military field. Both within the Baltsea network and on a bilateral basis. Norwegian officers have gained valuable experience in training with the Baltic Battalion.

Many challenges lie ahead. The fight against the spread of communicable diseases is one such joint priority which has brought our nations closer together.

Mr. President,

You mirror the modern face of your proud nation.

I salute the President of the Republic of Lithuania.

Please join me in a toast to His Excellency Valdas Adamkus and Mrs. Adamkiene, and to the prosperity and well-being of the Lithuanian people.