Historical archive

Main features of the Storting Resolution of 13 June 2001 concerning the restructuring of the Armed Forces

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 1st Government

Publisher: Forsvarsdepartementet

The Storting resolution supports the great majority of the top level measures in the Government’s programme for the restructuring of the Armed Forces.

Main features of the Storting Resolution of 13 June 2001 concerning the restructuring of the Armed Forces

The Storting resolution supports the great majority of the top level measures in the Government’s programme for the restructuring of the Armed Forces.

1 Principal measures

The Storting resolution supports the great majority of the top level measures in the Government’s programme for the restructuring of the Armed Forces. In essence this implies the Storting recognises the critical urgency of the situation set out in Government Proposition St. prp. 45 (2000-2001). Approximately 90 percent of the relocation measures proposed by the Government have been approved, in addition to the Government’s overall targets for operating cost reductions. The Government has thus won endorsement for the main thrust of its proposals for the restructuring of the Armed Forces, together with the overall objectives, namely that:

  • Defence Establishment manpower shall be reduced by approximately 5,000.
  • Defence operating costs shall be reduced by approximately NOK 2 billion by the end of the restructuring period.
  • The Armed Forces must be modernised to meet the new threats of a new era.

2 Force structure

The Storting has endorsed a force structure for the Armed Forces that is somewhat more extensive than that proposed by the Government. While the organisation and size of the Home Guard is to remain as at present, the Army will gain an additional brigade and funds will be allocated for the procurement of five Skjold Class missile torpedo boats in addition to the one already built. Further, agreement in principle has been reached on the replacement of the Air Force’s combat aircraft over the period 2010-2015, if necessary through supplementary budget allocations. The Parliamentary Defence Committee endorses approximately 90 percent of the cutbacks recommended in the Proposition. At the same time, the Committee recommends certain amendments with regard to the location of military bases – recommendations that include, for example, the continuation of activities at Heistadmoen, Haslemoen, Dombås and Mågerø.

The Storting endorses the future force structure of the Armed Forces as described in Government Proposition St. prp. 45 (2000 2001) Section 5.3.5 with the following alterations/additions:

  • A mobilisation brigade is to be established in Trøndelag (BRIG 12).
  • Ranger units to be at battalion level (minimum).
  • 14 Hauk Class MTBs to be retained.
  • Skjold Class MTBs to be phased in (6 vessels).
  • 9 coastal forts to be "mothballed".
  • 6 underwater installations to be retained "mothballed".
  • RNoN Tyr to be retained.
  • Preparations to be made for procurement of new combat aircraft.
  • Preparations to be made for procurement of transport aircraft.
  • National command and control organisation (3rd line level) to be based on the existing organisation with 18 Home Guard districts and with territorial defence responsibilities.
  • Home Guard structure to be based on a manpower level of 83,000.

3 Efficiency enhancement

The Government has gained approval for virtually all its efficiency enhancement measures. While the integration of the Chief of Defence’s Staff with the Ministry of Defence failed to achieve a majority endorsement, the following organisational measures will contribute to increased efficiency and a strengthened strategic leadership:

  • HQ Defence Command Norway (at Huseby) will be disbanded at the earliest opportunity during the restructuring period and in any case no later than 31 December 2004.
  • The Defence Staff will be established and co-located with the Ministry of Defence at the earliest opportunity during the restructuring period and in any case no later than 31 December 2004.
  • The management structure will be drastically reduced.
  • The existing Defence Commands (FKN, FKS), the three Naval Defence Districts (SDN, SDV and SDS) and the Army’s four District Commands (DKN, DKT, DKSV and DKØ) will be abolished.
  • The Armed Forces Operational Headquarters (FOHK) will be located at Jåttå, Stavanger. FOHK will be co-located with the NATO Sub-regional Headquarters at Jåttånuten. Joint Operational Headquarters.
  • Regional Command North (LDKN) will be established at Reitan, Bodø.
  • Regional Command South (LDKS) will be established in Trondheim.

For other resolutions see:
