Historical archive

Opening of the IICGADS meeting

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 1st Government

Publisher: Kulturdepartementet

Minister of Cultural Affairs Mrs Ellen Horn

Opening of the IICGADS meeting

Hotel Continental, Oslo, 15 November 2000

Dear colleagues and friend

It’s a pleasure for me, in co-operation with my Australian and Canadian colleagues, to host the second meeting of the International Intergovernmental Consultative Group on Anti-Doping in Sport.

As hosts for the IICGADS meeting, we are pleased that such a large number of countries are able to participate, and that all regions of the world are represented.

I chose a special piece of Norwegian music by our national composer Harald Sæverud to open to-day’s important meeting. To us in Norway this masterpiece, called "Kjempeviseslåtten" has a special, strong symbolic meaning, as it was used as an introduction to the news sent on radio from London to us Norwegians during the last World War, and listened to illegally in occupied Norway.

The IICGADS-meetings has played a major role in co-ordinating the governments’ initiatives in the anti-doping field. Through IICGADS we have been able to achieve a common understanding of WADA’s development. IICGADS also gives us the opportunity to learn from each other to improve the national anti-doping policy. The continuing discussion between governments enables us to be aware of the importance of our own national anti-doping work.

The Sydney Summit declares the purpose of the IICGADS-meetings. The presented background documents for this meeting cover, from our perspective, areas for further consideration.

The establishment of Comprehensive National Anti-Doping Policies and Programs is the first theme we are going to deal with. Within this area, there are ongoing initiatives to develop qualitative anti-doping programs. The International Standard Organisation has recognised a standard for high standard doping control, a standard each country can strive towards.

The second topic for the ICGADS-meeting is the development of regional Intergovernmental Mechanisms to further anti-doping initiatives. Within Europe we have for a long time co-operated in this field through the Council of Europe. The Anti-Doping Convention, which is open, has been an important contribution to secure communication and enhance competence.

The most discussed theme, I assume, is the future funding of WADA. We should, during this session, be able to take a major step forward in the funding issue. I think it is of utmost importance for WADA that we make progress. My opinion is that government funding and influence are necessary to continue WADA’s positive development.

The harmonisation of government laws and regulations is a complex issue. The Norwegian Government has recently proposed to broaden the scope of the Criminal Code regulating the acquisition, possession and use of doping agents. We know doping substances are used among young people, and factors indicate a link between doping and violence. This is a threat to society at large, and has to be solved. It’s necessary to look closer at prohibited production. Our common problem of illegal export and import of doping agents, ordered through the Internet, is another important issue. In this area we have huge challenges to meet.

Again welcome to Oslo and Norway - it is my sincere wish that this conference can be as fruitful as the previous meetings in Sydney and Montreal, and that we can accomplish results in these vital areas.

Thank you.