Historical archive

Absentee voting abroad

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 1st Government

Publisher: Kommunal- og regionaldepartementet

Absentee voting abroad

Absentee voting outside Norway and on Svalbard and Jan Mayen starts on 2 July 2001. Votes must not be cast later than Friday 7 September 2001.

The voter is personally responsible for voting early enough for the vote to reach the election board in the municipality where he or she is registered by 2400 hours on Tuesday 11 September.

Voters who simultaneously apply for inclusion in the electoral register have to cast their ballots so that the documents reach the election board within Monday 27 august 2001.

Absentee ballots will be final. This means that the person ­casting the absentee ballot will not be allowed to cast a new ballot in the same election.

Where can absentee ballots be received?

Absentee ballots may be received:

  • at Norwegian foreign service missions (embassies, consulates, general consulates, and other office of a mission)
  • on vessels in foreign trade, drilling vessels and platforms outside Norwegian territorial waters
  • by vote receivers specially appointed by the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Affairs
  • by vote receivers on Jan Mayen
  • by the Governor of Svalbard or the person appointed by the Governor.

Click here for a list of vote receivers.