Historical archive

Prohibition on the Use of Timber Impregnated with CCA preservatives

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 1st Government

Publisher: Ministry of the Environment

Regulations relating to a prohibition on the use of timber impregnated with CCA preservatives : Laid down by the Ministry of the Environment on 10 September 2001

Regulations relating to a prohibition on the use of timber impregnated with CCA preservatives

Laid down by the Ministry of the Environment on 10 September 2001 pursuant to section 4 of the Act of 11 June 1976 No. 79 relating to the control of products and consumer services (the Product Control Act). Cf. the EEA Agreement, Annex II, Chapter XIX (Council Directive 98/34/EC with subsequent amendments).

§ 1 Purpose

The purpose of these regulations is to prevent damage to human health and the environment caused by the release of chromium and arsenic from timber treated with wood preservative.

§ 2 Prohibition

It is prohibited to import, export, sell, take into use or re-use timber, including all types of products made of timber, that have been impregnated with compounds of chromium and arsenic.

Nevertheless, the prohibition of the first paragraph does not apply to timber for use in commercial activities where safety reasons make good protection against rotting necessary.

§ 3 Drying

The importer or manufacturer shall ensure that all timber impregnated with chromium or arsenic is dried so that its moisture content is below 30 per cent before it is delivered to distributors or users, in order to ensure fixation of the wood preservative.

§ 4 Duty to provide information

Timber impregnated with copper, chromium or arsenic shall be labelled with information on which metals it contains.

§ 5 Exemptions

The Norwegian Pollution Control Authority or the instance so authorized by the Ministry of the Environment may in special cases grant exemptions from these regulations.

§ 6 Control

The Norwegian Pollution Control Authority or the instance so authorized by the Ministry of the Environment will be responsible for ensuring compliance with these regulations.

§ 7 Coercive fines

In order to ensure compliance with the provisions of these regulations or decisions made pursuant thereto, the Norwegian Pollution Control Authority or the instance so authorized by the Ministry of the Environment may impose coercive fines in accordance with the provisions of section 13 of the Product Control Act.

§ 8 Appeals

Decisions made pursuant to these regulations may be appealed to the Ministry of the Environment or to the instance so authorized by the Ministry of the Environment.

§ 9 Penal measures

Any contravention of these regulations or of decisions made pursuant thereto is subject to a penalty in accordance with section 12 of the Product Control Act unless more severe penal provisions apply.

§ 10 Entry into force

These regulations enter into force on 1 January 2002.

Nevertheless, the prohibition of section 2 against the import, export, sale, use or re-use of timber does not enter into force until 1 October 2002.