Historical archive

"2nd Meeting of the Parties under the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context" - Political Advisor Jo Stein Moen

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 1st Government

Publisher: Ministry of the Environment

Statement by Jo Stein Moen, political advisor, Ministry of the Environment, Sofia, 26-27 February 2001

Statement by Jo Stein Moen, political advisor, Ministry of the Environment, Sofia, 26-27 February 2001

2nd Meeting of the Parties under the UNECE Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context

Madam Chair, honourable ministers, distinguished delegates,

Since the 1 st> Meeting of the Parties back in 1998 in Oslo, the Espoo convention have continued to strengthen its position as an efficient tool for managing transboundary environmental impacts in our region.

We have since then welcomed seven more parties into the Espoo family, and we know that bilateral contacts are flourishing in order to enhance the practical implementation of the convention. However we are still missing some countries on the list of parties, and we appreciate the ongoing efforts in these countries to fully implement the convention and are looking forward to their ratification.

I would like to congratulate you on all the good work undertaken during the work-plan since the last meeting of parties. The practical experiences gained from several projects as well as bilateral and sub-regional cooperation, have been analysed and documented. This has provided useful input to the work in refining legal mechanisms and practical implementation both at national and international level.

In the situation which has developed in Europe during the last 10 –12 years, with a considerable number of new independent states, a shift to marked economy and privatisation, it goes without saying that an instrument like the Espoo convention is of utmost importance.

Looking at the agenda for this meeting, I am happy to see that the Oslo Ministerial Declaration has been followed up on several important points. A proposal to amend the convention in order to open it up for ratification for non ECE member countries, and a proposal to start the work on a protocol for Strategic Environmental Assessment have been put forward.

The work plan for the coming period is impressive and demonstrates the dedication of parties and non-parties to further strengthen and develop the convention.

Madam Chair,

On behalf of the Norwegian government I would like to state that it is both with enthusiasm as well as a humble feeling Norway is offering to take on the task as a lead country for the work on the protocol on Strategic Environmental Assessment. If this challenging and interesting task is entrusted to us by this meeting, I promise that we will do our best to facilitate the work of the ad hoc working group on the protocol, in order for it to be able to present a draft for adoption at the meeting of the parties to be convened in Kiev, Ukraine on the occasion of the "Fifth Ministerial Conference Environment for Europe". We hope to organize one of the negotiating meetings in Norway, possibly next year. As previously Norway will also contribute to the trust fund for the convention.

Lastly I would like to thank Minister Maneva and her staff for the warm welcome to Sofia, and the excellent organisation of this meeting. Coming from a previous host-country knowing all the efforts that lies behind organising such a meeting, we truly know how to appreciate it.

- Thank you for your attention!