Historical archive

Forestry: Norwegian Forests - new publication

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Forestry: The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has published an updated version of the brochure Norwegian Forests. Norway has long traditions in forestry and forest management, and for using wood in construction and as a source of energy. Sawn wood and round wood have been important exports for more than 500 years.

Forestry: The Ministry of Agriculture and Food has published an updated version of the brochure Norwegian Forests. Norway has long traditions in forestry and forest management, and for using wood in construction and as a source of energy. Sawn wood and round wood have been important exports for more than 500 years. 

Stretched along the western side of the Scandinavian Peninsula, approximately one fourth of the surface area of Norway lies north of the Arctic Circle. The long coastline has an Atlantic, humid climate, while the inland climate is continental.

    Norwegian Forests 2007