Historical archive

5th Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe - Opening statement

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Agriculture and Food

By: Minister of Agriculture and Food Terje Riis-Johansen

Excellencies, distinguished delegates, representatives from observer countries, international organisations and non-governmental organisations, ladies and gentlemen;

Ministerial conferences on the protection of forests in Europe are milestones in our work for sustainable forest management in our part of the world.

The outcome of the ministerial conference has made it possible for us (at least in Norway) to approach our challenges more effectively, and with additional knowledge, gained through our cooperative work in this process.

I am convinced that the current conference will provide similar solid basis for our joint efforts in the future. One reason being the significant preparatory work already done by Minister Jan Szyszko and his staff in the Ministry of Environment, and the long lasting good work done by the Liaison Unit here in Warsaw.

I would like to use this opportunity to thank Poland for hosting this conference and for supporting this process with excellent technical and organisational preparations. Poland has done more than we could expect to make this conference a success. It is now up to all of us to deliver the results.

We could hardly have chosen more relevant topics for this conference. Forest and energy, forest and water – both topics are at the core of the political debate related to climate change.

I was once told by an expert that climate change is “all about distribution of water”. I would like to add: and to manage the carbon cycle. Both statements are grave simplification of complex issues, but it pinpoints some of the major challenges for us in order to secure quality of life in Europe and elsewhere.

One message from this conference to the outside world should be that forests can make significant contributions to this end by providing renewable energy.

Another important message is that forest and sustainable forest management can positively influence our ability to secure sufficient quantity and quality of water.

Let this conference be an important step in our effort to improve policies and to secure sustainable forest management in Europe. This will enhance the contribution of forests to quality of life.

Thank you for your attention.