Historical archive

5th Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe Warsaw, November 5th - 7th 2007 - Closing statement

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Agriculture and Food

By: Minister of Agriculture and Food Terje Riis-Johansen

Distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen;

We are about to close this ministerial conference and conclude our deliberations for these two days.

I sense a significant change in the understanding of the contribution from sustainably managed forests to the quality of life - in my country, in Europe and globally. As a minister for agriculture, food and forestry in Norway, I feel a similar renewed interest for issues related to agriculture.

There is a variety of reasons for this renewed interest in forests; energy security, increased demand for forest products, climate change, biodiversity loss and the need for viable rural areas,  just to mention a few.

I am convinced that this renewed interest is not of a temporary nature. The underlying factors are strong and of major importance for our economic, social and environmental development.

Forests are in the core of these issues, both as an important element of social and economic development, as well as a part of the major environmental issues we face, notably climate change.

This development should encourage us to keep the momentum and continue our efforts in our European cooperation. We need a continued viable ministerial process in order to approach these challenges jointly and effectively at the European level.

One important follow-up activity of this conference is the review of the process. Let us view our work and process from different angles. Let us not hesitate to suggest necessary changes based on the review. I am fully satisfied with our achievements so far, but it is not forward looking to rest on past successes if we are to meet the future challenges.

Our process has maintained a good cooperation with other regional and global processes -forest specific and others. This needs to continue and we should strive to develop this type of cooperation further.

MCPFE, together with institutions and organisations, can provide comprehensive input on the role of forests, sustainable forest management and the European contribution in this regard. We will start to prepare that work now.

Finally, I would like to thank Minister Jan Szyszko, for the excellent work you, your ministry, the government of Poland and the Liaison Unit have done during this conference. I am very grateful. We will do our best to continue your good work after the transfer of the Liaison Unit to Norway.

I would also like to thank all participants for your contributions to this ministerial conference. It has been encouraging to listen to your interventions and ideas for our future work. We need this process more than ever. And we need your continued active participation.

Thank you.