Historical archive

New routeing measures have moved tankers further away from the coast

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

“Tankers and ships of a certain size have been moved further away from the coast. This reduces the risk of accidents and pollution and provides safety to our coastal communities and protects the environment from pollution, says Norway’s Minister for Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Lisbeth Berg-Hansen.

“Tankers and ships of a certain size have been moved further away from the coast. This reduces the risk of accidents and pollution and provides safety to our coastal communities and protects the environment from pollution, says Norway’s Minister for Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Lisbeth Berg-Hansen.

On 1 June this year, new routeing measures off the coast of western and southern Norway came into force. The systems, which include Traffic Separation Schemes and recommended routes,  have the intended impact on the traffic New traffic density plots, produced by the Norwegian Coastal Administration, show that tankers have been moved a good distance from the coast of western and southern Norway following the implementation of the new routeing measures. Domestic traffic is also shown on the maps, which explains why some tankers are still sailing outside the new routeing measures.

The new routeing measures are primarily located outside Norway’s territorial waters and are to be used by all tankers and other vessels of 5,000 gross registered tons or more that are in transit along the coast of Norway  or in international traffic to or from a port in Norway.

“The location of the routeing measures are carefully chosen in order  not to  disrupt fishing grounds, offshore oil activities and vulnerable areas,” adds Lisbeth Berg-Hansen. “We have taken into consideration all the involved interests. As clearly illustrated by the new traffic density maps, this is an efficient maritime safety initiative that has proven to have the intended impact on traffic.”

Map showing tanker traffic along the coast of western and southern Norway following the implementation of the new routeing measures

Kart som viser tankskiptrafikk langs vestlands og- sørlandskysten etter innføring av nye rutetiltak 
Map showing tanker traffic along the coast of western and southern Norway
from 1 July to 29 August 2011 (after implementation of new routeingmeasures)
Download high-resolution map 

Kart som viser tankskiptrafikk langs vestlands og- sørlandskysten i 2010 (før innføring av nye rutetiltak)
Map showing tanker traffic along the coast western and southern Norway
in 2010 (before implementation of new routeing initiative)

Download high-resolution map