Historical archive

Speech at the European Seafood Exposition 2007

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

The Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Helga Pedersen's speech at the news conference of the Norwegian Seafood Export Council in Brussels 25 April 2007

The Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs Helga Pedersen's speech at the news conference of the Norwegian Seafood Export Council in Brussels 25 April 2007.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Norway is a small country. But, when it comes to seafood we are one of the major international suppliers. Norway is favoured with a long coastline, cold and clear water, and some of the world’s most extensive fish resources. Another advantage is our proximity to the European market, which enables Norway to deliver fresh and high quality seafood to the almost 500 million consumers in the European Union.  

European consumers are focused on health and the importance of what they eat. Several scientific studies have recently confirmed the positive effects of eating more seafood. In fact, the health benefits of seafood go well beyond the scope of our earlier understanding. Combined with its delicious taste, I am sure that the consumption of seafood will continue to increase.

We are both grateful and proud to serve the European seafood market, and we deeply care about our reputation as a reliable and responsible supplier of seafood. Last year, during the European Seafood Exposition, we launched an internet portal providing information about how Norway pursues a sustainable fisheries policy. The website – www.fisheries.no – has been well received by journalists and others who want further information on our fishing and aquaculture activities.  

When buying Norwegian seafood, European consumers can be sure that they are buying products that are healthy, safe and caught or harvested in a sustainable manner. Norway has developed a strict regime to control both fishing and aquaculture activities.  

We are also working hard to combat Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing internationally. I am happy to inform you that illegal fisheries activities in the Barents Sea have decreased substantially during the last year. However, the fight against IUU-fishing continues and I appreciate the support from other European countries in this effort. 

Thank you.