Historical archive

The Minister of Fisheries and Costal Affairs' speech at the FAO Conference on sustainable aquaculture

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs

Rome, 19 - 20 November 2007

Mr Chair, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen

First of all, I would like to thank the FAO for taking the initiative to organise a conference on sustainable aquaculture. 

A healthy marine environment is an essential basis for harvesting marine resources. Throughout the world coastal and marine environments are under pressure.

Establishing a framework that makes it possible to strike a balance between commercial interests while adhering to the principles of sustainable development is vital to the aquaculture industry. We must therefore ensure that the marine environment is clean, and we need to have systems that ensure that sea food is safe to eat. These basic requirements can only be met by means of active efforts from both the authorities and the industry.

The introduction of alien species may harm the surrounding environment. It is important that the international community and the aquaculture sector address this issue to prevent the introduction of alien species that can threaten ecosystems and native species.

Fish farming is an efficient form of food production. However, the nutritional quality of the final product is dependent on the composition of feed. In order to ensure sustainability, it is important that the fish stocks used in the fish meal industry are properly managed. And research on alternative feed ingredients is important – both to meet the increased demand for fish feed as well as to ensure feed and food safety.

Another challenge is related to securing the health and welfare of farmed fish and other aquatic animals throughout their life-span. Also, outbreaks of fish diseases have a direct impact on the financial side of aquaculture. In Norway, we have broad knowledge within this field, and welcome bilateral and international cooperation in order to ensure sustainable development.

In terms of future priorities for the work on aquaculture within the FAO, it is vital that we take into consideration the recommendations of the report from the Independent External Evaluation that was published in September this year. The report states quite clearly that the normative work of the Committee on Fisheries, such as the development of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, has been successful. I therefore believe it is of crucial importance that the FAO focuses on normative work in the future, also within aquaculture.

Thank you for your attention.