Historical archive

Norway to provide NOK 75 million for UN humanitarian efforts in the Palestinian Territory

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

In response to a humanitarian appeal by the UN, Norway has decided to provide NOK 75 million for the UN’s humanitarian effort in the Palestinian Territory.

The humanitarian situation in the Palestinian Territory remains extremely serious. The civilian population is suffering, and women, children and young people face particular difficulties. In response to a humanitarian appeal by the UN, Norway has decided to provide NOK 75 million for the UN’s humanitarian effort in the Palestinian Territory. 

The UN’s 2007 humanitarian appeal for the Palestinian Territory totals USD 453 million. This represents an increase of more than 100% on the 2006 amount. The UN is emphasising that the amount of the appeal reflects the seriousness of the humanitarian crisis in the Palestinian Territory. 

Norway’s contribution will be channelled through the organisations UNRWA, OCHA, UNICEF, UNFPA, UNIFEM, WHO, FAO and WFP. Further payments over and above this year’s appeal amount will be considered on an ongoing basis, in accordance with how the humanitarian situation develops. In addition, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is providing significant support for Norwegian NGOs’ humanitarian efforts. 

In 2007, the total amount of Norway’s development assistance to the Palestinian institutions and its humanitarian support to the Palestinian people will be at least as high as in 2006, i.e. approximately NOK 650 million. Around NOK 290 million of this amount will take the form of humanitarian assistance channelled through the UN system and NGOs.