Historical archive

Parliamentary election in Algeria an important step forward

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

“I am pleased that the election in Algeria has proceeded peacefully, and that that the proportion of women in the parliament has increased considerably,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre.

“I am pleased that the election in Algeria has proceeded peacefully, and that that the proportion of women in the parliament has increased considerably,” said Minister of Foreign Affairs Jonas Gahr Støre. 

The proportion of women in the Algerian parliament has increased from 7 % to 31 % after the election on 10 May. This is due to new legislation on a quota for women and cooperation between Algerian authorities and UN Women. 

The EU, the African Union (AU) and the Arab League have, at Algeria’s request, provided observers to the parliamentary election. Norway has contributed personnel to the EU observer mission. 

The EU observers have reported positive development trends in the election process, but have also pointed to areas that need improvement. 

The election paves the way for the further development of the political system in Algeria in the time to come. The new parliament can play an important role in the reform process in connection with drafting the new constitution. 

“We encourage the Algerian authorities to continue the reform process in line with the wishes of the people,” said Mr Støre.