Historical archive

Pardon for opposition politicians in Ethiopia

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

“We were very pleased to hear that 38 imprisoned Ethiopian opposition politicians have been pardoned and can take up their political activities again,” said State Secretary Liv Monica Stubholt from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Thirty-eight Ethiopian opposition politicians were pardoned by the country’s President, Girma Wolde-Giorgis, on Friday 20 July. They had been arrested in connection with the unrest that followed parliamentary elections in May 2005, and had been given life sentences last week.

“We were very pleased to hear that 38 imprisoned Ethiopian opposition politicians have been pardoned and can take up their political activities again,” said State Secretary Liv Monica Stubholt from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

“We hope that their release will contribute to political reconciliation and promote continued democratic development in Ethiopia,” said Ms Stubholt.
Proceedings involving 57 other defendants are ongoing.“The results of the cases against the opposition politicians who remain in custody will be important indicators of how the rule of law is respected in the country,” said Ms Stubholt.

Norway has expressed support for an EU declaration welcoming the releases.

(See: Declaration of the Presidency on behalf of the EU on the release of the members of opposition and others in Ethiopia)