Historical archive

Renewed commitment to the Palestinian Authority in New York

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) chaired by Norway met at UN Headquarters today. - I am pleased that the meeting confirmed commitment by the international community to supporting the Palestinian Authority to build strong and viable institutions and to encourage intensified cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis, says Jonas Gahr Støre.

The Ad Hoc Liaison Committee (AHLC) chaired by Norway met at UN Headquarters today.

- I am pleased that the meeting confirmed commitment by the international community to supporting the Palestinian Authority to build strong and viable institutions and to encourage intensified cooperation between Palestinians and Israelis, says Jonas Gahr Støre, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway.

- Efforts to strengthen the Palestinian economy are vital for the ongoing political process between Israel and the Palestinians, says the Foreign Minister.

- I welcome the Quartet’s statement of 23 September which urges all countries to provide immediate financial support to the Palestinian Authority. Preparations for a pledging conference in December need to begin as soon as possible, Mr Støre said.

The Norwegian Government today announced that it will contribute USD 20 million in support to the Palestinian budget and calls on others to follow.

The meeting heard interventions by the Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority, Dr. Salaam Fayyad, and the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and a review of the economic situation in the Palestine territories by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. The meeting also heard interventions by the members of the Quartet and the Quartet Special Envoy as well as other members of the AHLC.

The Chair’s summary from the meeting

Prime Minister of the Palestinian National Authority, Dr. Salaam Fayyad, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Israel Tzipi Livni and Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jonas Gahr Støre. Photo: MFA