Historical archive

Annapolis Conference 27 November 2007

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

- A final agreement supported by the Palestinian people will depend on viable Palestinian institutions, a functional private sector and hope in terms of improved Palestinian living conditions. The negotiating process starting here today must therefore include a development agenda, Foreign Minister Støre said in his speech.

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

Today I am addressing you both in my national capacity and as chair of the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee – the donor forum for the Palestinians. 

Today marks the restart of negotiations - which are crucial and indeed welcome. This restart is the result of strong engagement on the part of the US President George W. Bush, and I would like to add, the personal commitment of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. It reflects confidence in the parties and courage on the part of the parties - President Abbas and Prime Minister Olmert.

Let me also welcome the crucial regional commitment. A comprehensive approach, engaging multiple tracks and all relevant parties, is needed, if we are to secure a stable and long term settlement of the Israeli-Arab conflict. I welcome therefore the Arab League’s determination to revitalise its peace initiative.

Madam Chair,

We have to face the fact that there is today no sustainable Palestinian economy. And we need to acknowledge that this remains a critical obstacle to peace. There is conflict and insecurity, very limited movement of Palestinian goods and people, no Palestinian port, no Palestinian airport and no safe passage between Gaza and the West Bank. Until there is as a final status settlement granting a sustainable Palestinian state and security for Israel – Palestinians and the Palestinian Authority will depend on international support and Israel in order to survive.

At the same time – a final agreement supported by the Palestinian people will depend on viable Palestinian institutions, a functional private sector and hope in terms of improved Palestinian living conditions. The negotiating process starting here today must therefore include a development agenda.

As chair of the Ad-Hoc Liaison Committee, Norway has a special responsibility to address these issues. The AHLC meeting in New York in September was a manifestation of the political engagement and willingness of all involved actors – Israel, the Palestinian Authority and donors – to take responsibility. Together with France, the Quartet Representative and the European Commission, we are planning a donors’ conference in Paris on 17 December. Preparations are well under way.

The main goal in Paris is to give political support to the Palestinian Authority and coordinate efforts to help stabilising the economy. The objective is to mobilise budget support to the Palestinian Authority. We need project support and private sector initiatives, but without direct budget support - the Palestinian Authority will collapse.

The Palestinian Authority has completed a draft of the Reform and Development Plan. I commend the dedicated efforts of Prime Minister Fayyad in producing this plan. Its priorities should serve as a basis for cooperation between the Palestinian Authority and the donors. These must be strict priorities, and they must be aligned with national plans. Moreover, donor contributions must be harmonised if we are to achieve the results we are aiming at. I welcome the Palestinian Authority’s contribution to security sector reform and the steps they have taken so far.  

In order to revive the Palestinian economy, Israel needs to facilitate trade and daily life for the Palestinians by implementing the Agreement on Access and Movement. Without access to and within the Palestinian Territory, there will be no economic growth. Closure, as in Gaza, only leads to an increase in smuggling, a black market economy and deterioration of the security situation.

This is – in short – the agenda in Paris. And Norway will do all it can to make it succeed long with the host and the co-chairs.

Let me also recommit Norway’s support to the negotiation process launched here in Annapolis. We stand ready to support the parties and the facilitators in all possible ways.

Thank you.