Historical archive

High-Level Meeting on the Tenth Anniversary of the Chemicals Weapons Convention

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ambassador Johan Ludvig Løvald delivered this statement on behalf of Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre on the tenth Anniversary of the Chemicals Weapons Convention in New York 27 September 2007.

Speaking points
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  • The Chemical Weapons Convention is a major achievement in multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation. It is a landmark and a strong pillar in the global security architecture.
  • There can be no doubt that the comprehensive nature of the Chemical Weapons Convention makes it the most robust of the global instruments against the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
  • The danger of terrorists acquiring weapons of mass destruction is real. We must continue to pursue a vigorous non-proliferation agenda.
  • Yet, the best way to avoid weapons of mass destruction falling into wrong hands is simply by eliminating them.
  • The Chemical Weapons Convention clearly shows that disarmament enhances our common security. That should inspire us in moving the nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation regime forward. This is what Norway is seeking through the Seven Nation Initiative. 
  • Norway is fully committed to the Chemical Weapons Convention. Let me briefly mention six points in this respect:
  • Firstly: we will continue working to universalise this instrument and promote full national implementation of its obligations.
  • To this end, we have contributed to projects in Russia, the Baltic region, Eastern Africa and Central Asia, and we are ready to continue our financial contributions to promoting the Convention.
  • Secondly: it is imperative that existing stocks of chemical weapons are destroyed within agreed time limits. We encourage countries concerned to do their utmost in this respect.
  • Thirdly: there is a need to further refine the verification and inspection mechanism of the Convention. Challenge inspections should be used when needed.
  • Fourthly: we must ensure that the use of riot control agents conforms to the provisions of the Convention and do not have unacceptable humanitarian implications.
  • And my fifth point: all States Parties must put in place and enforce national legislation to achieve full compliance with the Convention. Export controls are of particular importance.
  • And finally: while the number of States Parties is growing, we have not reached full universality. We urge countries that have not done so to join the Convention without delay.
  • The Second Review Conference of the CWC next year provides us with a new opportunity to further strengthen the Convention. We must make good use of it. Thank you for your attention.


  • (*) This statement was delivered by ambassador J.L. Løvald on behalf of Foreign Minister J.G. Støre.