Historical archive

Statement at Council of Europe

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Strasbourg, 10 May 2007

Mr Chairman,

May I first thank San Marino and you personally for your very able leadership, and for convening this very important meeting of the High Level Group to follow up the report of Prime Minister Juncker.

Norway considers the Juncker report a cornerstone in the future development of the relations between the Council of Europe and the EU. We therefore think that the High Level Group should continue to give guidance on a political level to the follow up process of the Juncker report. On the basis of a systematic assessment of Prime Minister Juncker’s recommendations, the High Level Group should present an annual report to the Foreign Minister’s meetings.

Mr. Chairman, Norway strongly supports closer co-operation between the Council of Europe and the EU. We share the vision of a new partnership between the Council of Europe and the EU. We will work actively to develop this partnership. 

The MoU that we now agree upon represents the practical description of this new framework for enhanced cooperation and political dialogue between the Council of Europe and the European Union. 

It will now be up to the member states to implement this agreement constructively, and in good faith. The themes are honourable – human rights, democracy and the rule of law. We should hardly disagree on any of those.

A strengthened political dialogue, as well as the promotion of joint programmes will contribute to unified standards for these themes. The goal is to create a Europe without dividing lines, based on these fundamental values and freedoms.

In the future follow up to the Juncker Report, Norway supports accession of the EU to the European Convention on Human Rights. This would be an important contribution to ensuring common Human Rights standards in Europe. For the same reason, we see great merit in close co-operation from EU with the other monitoring mechanisms, like the Human Rights Commissioner and the Venice Commission. 

Likewise, we think that close co-operation on the basis of participation in the new surveillance mechanism for the European Convention against Trafficking in human beings will contribute effectively in our common fight against this evil.

We support close co-operation in the Europe-wide struggle for preventing domestic violence and violence against women, protection of children as well as the promotion of gender balance in our societies.

We believe that the Council of Europe is well placed to promote co-operation in the fields of youth and education, and will encourage synergies with the EU in these areas. 

In particular, the Council of Europe is carrying out important work to promote intercultural dialogue. We need to increase knowledge and understanding in order to fight intolerance and extremist views. Programmes and policies focusing on young people and education are especially important in building a more inclusive Europe.

Finally, Mr Chairman, we have before us to-day a very important draft decision on the criteria for the selection of the Secretary General of our organisation. Norway agrees with Prime Minister Juncker that the Council of Europe, in electing its Secretaries General, should move towards choosing leading political figures to the post. We think that this will be beneficial in bringing forward the impotant tasks of our organisation and strenghten European co-operation in general.

Thank you very much Mr Chairman.