Historical archive

Statement at the International Pledging Conference, Yangon

Historical archive

Published under: Stoltenberg's 2nd Government

Publisher: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Statement at the ASEAN-UN International Pledging Conference, Yangon, 25 May 2008.

Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me first of all convey my sincere condolences to the people of Myanmar for the devastation brought about by the Cyclone Nargis. My thoughts go particularly to all those directly affected by the cyclone, to the survivors and to the bereaved families. The Government of Norway wants to show its solidarity in this tragic situation and this is why I am here and why the Government of Norway contributes to the international relief effort for the victims of the cyclone.

The briefings we have received today, as well as all the information that has been available since the cyclone hit, clearly confirm that there is a humanitarian crisis in the affected areas of Myanmar. A crisis that needs a humanitarian response in aid of all those that are affected and now struggle to survive and to rebuild their lives. The devastation brought on by Cyclone Nargis is of such a magnitude that no national government can be expected to manage the scale of operations on its own. This is precisely why we need the aid of the international community, in coordination with national authorities and in solidarity with the affected people.

I am pleased to hear the Secretary General of the United Nations confirming that international aid workers and relief experts will be given access to the affected areas in order to assist the efforts to bring about relief. We now look forward to a coordinated response and speedy facilitation of bureaucratic procedures by the Government of Myanmar. Access needs to be unhindered urgently.

For humanitarian assistance to be effective and efficient it needs to be organized within a partnership of local organizations and networks, national authorities, international organizations and the donor community. The United Nations Emergency Relief Coordinator has a specific role to play on behalf of the international community in coordinating the international response. I welcome the leadership shown by Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Emergency Relief Coordinator John Holmes despite the many challenges that have had to be overcome.

I am also pleased to note the resolve shown by the ASEAN Secretary General and the ASEAN nations in this context, as well as the assistance from Myanmar’s immediate neighbours. I welcome the decision by the ASEAN and the United Nations to set up a coordination mechanism to facilitate the international relief effort and welcome the ASEAN partners contribution of resources.

More assistance is needed and I want to underline the necessity of still regarding this as an emergency that needs a scaled up emergency response. Many vulnerable people still have no assistance.

While scaling up the relief operation it is also important to plan for the recovery and rehabilitation. But people cannot move back to their homes when their homes are not there, there is no food or clean water and the seeds for planting have been washed away by sea water. The affected people who wish to move back in order to rebuild their lives need a lot of support for a long time. Viable solutions must be found for those who may not be able to return.

Norway wishes to contribute to supporting the affected people with immediate emergency relief and with assistance for early recovery. The Government of Norway has therefore decided to double the assistance pledged from NOK 50 million to NOK 100 million (approx USD 20 million.) We will scale up disbursements as access to the affected areas improves.

Thank you.